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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

As the fall semester begins many have graduated, some are just starting, and others have found new paths. I start this semester with closing a chapter and only 1 year left of my college experience.I am currently saying goodbye to my job at the University Student Center. I not only want to thank everyone who helped me but also inspire others to work for our university by telling you all the great things they have to offer!


1. Flexible Schedule

When you work for your university they obviously know you are a full time student so they make sure the hours fit around your scheudle. They make sure you work enough hours where you make money but to many to take away from your schoolwork. They also are very open to you switching shifts or needing to rearrange something due to conflict. 


2. Academics First

In my job particularly at the Student Life Center desk I had ample amounts of time to work on homework and class assignments. In between planning your event, helping others, and doing basic daily tasks your 4 hours shift can sometimes get boring. You can watch Netflix, play music, or work on assignments. They want you to do well in school so they understand even when you need a shift covered to study for a test.


3. Your Boss Does Get It

Your boss totally gets it and mine in particular did as she is a grad student as well as our supervisor. She understands how difficult it is to work part time, plan events, and take a full load of classes. She is there for us to lean on and learn from. Your boss wants what is best for you because working in higher education have a love and passion for student success and will do whatever it takes to help you achieve it.


4. Fun Little Perks

Student Worker Appreciation Week is the time of the year that every student worker gets rewarded for the work they have done this past school year. Each day has little gifts like candy, ice cream, and hats. It is a week to celebrate the hard work that every student does and how much the professional staff appreciates it. Also, at staff meetings there is usually food which is such a plus for on campus students who want something different to eat. 

Our University also hosts the Rocky’s, an award ceremony to show off student achievement. There many student employees get recognized for their accomplishments including me. My event, The EScape Room, that would not even be possible without being in this job and having my team won Most Innovative Program. It is times like this that make your job so sweet. 


5. Make So So Many Friends

When you work on campus and the job that I did you are the first face anyone sees when they walk into that building. You are the smile that every smiles at, the point of contact for guests, and answer questions students have. With this you have a familiar face that people recognize. You will never not recognize someone in class or walking around campus because the building I was in was constantly populated. You become friends with other student workers because you guys relate. With a small campus like USFSP knowing all the student workers is like knowing everyone. 

Working on campus was such a positive experience for me that gave me limitless opportunities. While being a part of the USC family I got to put on many events like an Escape Room, Clothing Swap, Tie Dye T-shirts, and with my amazing team we put on 2 Study Centers. These events helped all students became a part of our campus and feel involved. I want to personally thank everyone in my SLC team for an amazing year full of laughs, craziness, and lots and lots of stress! (But, we did it!) To my two supervisors, thank you. Thank you for bettering me in my communication, professionalism, and teamwork. Thank you to the rest of the USC family for making my dream events reality. 

For anyone looking to work on campus, do it because it is worth every second. For those wanting to work at my job, take it because it was the best choice I made while being a bull. 




Hannah is a junior at USFSP majoring in criminology with a passion for law, life, and writing.