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New Hair Fad: Feather Extensions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.
My latest obsession is feather hair extensions! They come in colors and patterns and shapes and sizes.
Some are real rooster feathers and some are synthetic.
The feather extension trend came from the runway, as do most styles and fads (I must mention silly
bands. I am pretty sure Michael Kors didn’t send his models down the runway with colored animal-
shaped rubber bands before they became popular). The feather extensions trend is “in” with the
bohemian crowd, young teens, college students, fashionistas and celebrities (like Jennifer Love Hewitt
and Hilary Duff). Sport a few strands or half a head of feathers. Any amount is super trendy.
One of the clients at my salon (a college freshman) came in to show us hers. She absolutely loved the
three different colored rooster feathers she put in her hair just a few days before. The going rate seems to
be about $20-$25 for an application of three extensions. Not bad.
Check it out for yourself and tell me what you think! Did you already make an appointment or is au
naturale the way for you?

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