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New Dance Craze: Gangnam Style

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

In case you haven’t heard yet, Gangnam Style is in! South Korean rapper Psy’s new song by that title is associated with a super silly yet fun “horse-riding” dance that I’ve been seeing everywhere lately, including at the grocery store even.

The hilarious music video for the obnoxiously catchy “Gangnam Style” went viral lightning-fast, making it the most liked video in the history of YouTube! This prompted hundreds of video responses including flash mobs and dance tutorials. Even the cheerleaders and mascot for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers made a parody of the video, incorporating the dance. Watch it here!

The song and dance are so great that they took our country by storm and nobody seems to mind that we can’t understand the lyrics.

Psy has been enjoying the publicity lately, and recently made a guest appearance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show to teach Britney Spears the dance.

Psy has stated in several interviews his words of wisdom: Dress classy and dance cheesy! I’m just waiting to see a Gangnam Style flash mob in the Tampa Bay area!

What do you think about Gangnam Style? Love it or hate it?




