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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Last summer I started a weight loss journey and when December 1st came around I had lost 45 pounds. I was so proud of my determination and most importantly my follow through. I had felt at my best, taking selfies wherever I went because I was finally confident in my own skin. I was still not the prettiest girl, by far not the skinniest, and still not the healthiest but I was the happiest, most confident, and fearless self I have ever been.

During this past winter break I went from vacation to vacation, city to state, hot to cold all with my other half by my side. Throughout the entire 4 weeks of no stress and not having alarms set I lost my routine. I stopped working out, setting time for myself, and watching my diet. I loved and lived the life I always wanted but at the cost of losing the hard work I achieved last year. When I returned home just a week before the spring semester started I was awaken to the cost that this fun has had on myself. I gained 15 pounds. To me that number was heartbreaking because that was a good 3 months that it took me to lose that weight and back just like that. I needed to find a new routine and fast.

I looked into a water fast which is drinking only water, no food, after seeing a video on youtube and thought “Oh, I can do this no problem” and in reality, it wasn’t that bad. I did a 60 hour water fast and not hoping to lose 15 pounds in it but to help get myself back to feeling good. Over break I ate the foods that I cut out; like donuts and pizza become every day meals and bread was constantly in my hand, especially Texas Roadhouse rolls. Ice cream use to not be in my scope of foods but boy did I enjoy it every week. I did this fast to get all the bad vibes out of my body and restart the year. I could tell from eating those foods and not working out that I lost my energy, my drive, and felt sluggish. I wanted to enjoy going back to the gym and living the life I worked so hard for in 2018.

After 60 hours of just pure water I felt great. I never once felt hungry, light headed, or nauseous. I was tired but it was also the first week of school so I think we all were. I finally broke my fast and after that one small meal I was full. I am back to eating smaller portions, healthier options, and water only. This year I will continue to lose these pounds and maintain a healthy lifestyle but do not get me wrong I will still enjoy ice cream every now and again.

I recommend doing a water fast to those who want to get the bad vibes out and start 2019 with a bang!



Hannah is a junior at USFSP majoring in criminology with a passion for law, life, and writing.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.