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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

In 2009 Marwa Atik graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles with the unique idea of putting a zipper trim on a hijab. Everyone loved her designs so she continued to make her dreams a reality and teamed up with her sister to produce more of these fashion forward accessories. Their shop is called Velas Scarves and is the talk of Muslim American women everywhere.

Atik says that what is different about their scarves is the way they tie them. They have a whole section for tutorials on how to tie their scarves the trademark “Vela” way. The Atik sisters make their scarves one of a kind by adding things such as zippers, lace, and ruffles. She does not believe that all Muslim women are oppressed like many Americans choose to believe.

She believes in dressing modestly so that society pays more attention to what she had to say instead of what she was wearing. Atik has found her own personal definition of modesty and believes that when you do that then you dress accordingly. Because of her high activity on the internet through social media, her videos are exposed to many different types of people and she gets offended when people say that they are trying to identify as American. Atik knows that she is American; she doesn’t have to try to be.

Marwa Atik is a very unique and inspiring individual who is bringing a whole new fashion flare to the Muslim American women community. For more on Marwa and to read her original interview with Marie Clare here: http://www.marieclaire.com/fashion/hipsters-in-hijab-muslim-women-in-ame…

-Alana Long







Alana is a college Senior with a major in Mass Communications with a concentration in Journalism and Media Studies and a minor in Art History. Alana was born in raised in Southwest Florida, so she adores the water and beach lifestyle. She loves anything to do with fashion and plans to work as a professional fashion writer or PR professional when she gets out of college. Alana looks forward to writing for the University of South Florida St. Petersburg's chapter of Her Campus all four years of her upcoming college career and is currently a Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for her chapter. When she's not running to and from classes, she loves to go online shopping or watching YouTube videos.  
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.Â