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Meet Aspiring Leader: Christa Hegedus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Year:2015 (Freshman)
Major: Biology
Involvements/leadership positions on campus: Student Government (running for Senate in fall), Mentee for Spectrum Program, Social Mentor for Sting Ray Program, Corn Hole League at the Tavern, Corn Hole Intermurals, Trio SSS, Trio SSSS, in the process of creating some clubs myself, and a job at Tropical Smoothie Cafe Bayfront.

TG: What is your favorite thing about USFSP? Why did you choose to come here?
CH: My favorite thing is to have the city right next door and to have small classes.

TG: Where is your favorite place on campus?
CH: The picnic tables over looking the water and sail boats.

TG: Do you live on campus in RHO or off campus?

TG: What’s your favorite TV show?
CH: Sex and the City, That 70’s show, Family guy.

TG: What’s your favorite movie?
CH: Edward Scissorhands.

TG: What quote do you live by/what’s your favorite quote?
CH: “You can do better.”

TG: A place you’d love to visit is?
CH: Greece.

TG: What’s your ultimate life goal?
CH: To become successful. Which is having a career that im most happy with while raising a family and living finacially comfortable.