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Late Night Studying? Lunch on the Run? 5 Simple Tips to Get Your Day Back in Order

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.


Late Night Studying? Lunch on the Run?

5 Simple Tips to Get Your Day Back in Order


Is the snooze button your best friend in the morning?  Does your first meal of the day fall around somewhere between noon and starving If this sounds like you, then try these 5 simple tips to get your day back in order.


  1. Use One Calendar.  Using one calendar will amp up your credibility (or salvage what’s left) by helping you keep the commitments you make without bailing out last minute. Whether you use a paper calendar or an electronic device is up to you, the key is to make sure EVERY commitment goes into it immediately. Oh! And don’t forget to notate birthdays, and doctor’s visits. [ pagebreak ]
  2. Create a Note Diary.  How many times have you written a task on the back of a receipt, or a page in your textbook?  Chances are that task was never completed.  That’s where the Note Diary comes in handy.  Just take a notebook ( www.miquelrius.com has a cute selection), and on the front page write today’s date and each subsequent date until the Note Diary is filled.  Use this as your task list and when something needs to be pushed to another date, put it there. The back page of every task list is your notes page for that day.  The fun part is looking back at the end of the year to see all you accomplished![ pagebreak ]
  3. Plan Your Meals. Stop letting your tummy tell you when it’s time to eat!  It’s tempting to put off meals to gain back time in your day but your metabolism might be suffering.  As an article in by Eating Free® suggests, “Eating five to six small meals rather than two to three larger meals helps to keep your metabolism going.”  With that in mind, making time for meals should be a priority especially if you are concerned with maintaining or losing weight.  Stock up at the grocery store on breakfast bars or fresh fruit so you won’t be late for class or compelled to skip breakfast.  Also try packing a meal for your night class. [ pagebreak ]
  4. Don’t Sleep In.  Sleeping in should be a wakeup call that you need more sleep.  Simply put, instead of sleeping in, try going to sleep earlier.  If you complete a task first thing in the morning, not last thing at night like reading your lecture notes or finishing up homework, this will leave you energized for your day and give you a jumpstart.[ pagebreak ]
  5. Learn to Say No. “Just say no!” That is what we learned in grade school.  That concept holds true in your college years to. Without the ability to say no your day begins to fill up with the unimportant things with no room left for what really matters. What about that important doctors visit you put off for 3 months, the lunch date with your sister you’ve been meaning to have, or down time to read your favorite authors book.  If it’s important to you then you must be able to say no to other less important events that come your way.  The key is to understand your priorities and make decisions surrounding that idea. 

Image Source http://oddgene.com/wp-content/…

With a unique story, and a string of personal struggles that fuel my ambition, I bring a fresh voice and perspective to HerCampus.com. where my writing addresses social activities and clubs, career goals, and personal life. As a student, wife, mother, daughter, sister, social activist and career woman, you'll be sure to relate to my experiences and my goal is that you will find value in reading my writing. Please like us on FB www.facebook.com/hercampususfsp and send me a friend request www.facebook.com/Natalie.PerezAllen
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.