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Just Splash in the Puddle

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

This part of the Sunshine State wasn’t so sunny for the past week. It finally rained. I feel like the weather dragged me down into the gutter for days.
After my really early, foggy, slow Monday morning, the rain came through in the late afternoon and the sun never shined.  On my way home from class, a much cooler and less muggy scene, I went to buy some food for dinner. As I walked into Publix around 7:30 p.m., I saw a “young man” (no older than 25) jump into several puddles in the middle of the parking lot, splashing his two companions. Immediately I thought to myself, “What an idiot.”

After I was home for a few hours, I sat down and thought about the day I left behind me and the night I that was ahead of me. It occurred to me that maybe that young man wasn’t being an idiot.  Okay, maybe he was, but maybe we all should have a little meaningless fun every now and then.
Our schedules are filled with school, work, internships, meetings, homework, tests, projects and the occasional social outing, but do we ever take a moment to take a mental break from reality to daydream, and stop worrying about what’s next?
I don’t mean watching TV and succumbing to technology for entertainment, because frankly, it rules our lives. Do something that made you happy when you were young. Skip around, look at the clouds or draw a landscape. What about going for a walk? Even if you are stuck at school for the majority of the day, we are fortunate enough to have a wonderful, serene view of the harbor and green grasses to be lazy on. The parks downtown aren’t that crowded and it’s nearly time for beach weather, even with a five minute visit, all are good places to clear your mind.
So, collegiettes, go splash in a puddle. Free your mind and let the knowledge flow. And let me know how you take your mental breaks!