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How to Avoid Transferring Drama

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Transferring to a new university can be really stressful and nerve wracking, take it from me. I did two years at the University of Central Florida and then decided to move back home and go to USFSP. I encountered problem after problem, so I decided to give you readers some advice in case you are considering a transfer.
1). Wait until you have your Associates degree. When you transfer with an AA, it is considered by most universities to be a “transfer degree” and you will have a much smoother process in regards to classes. My AA degree didn’t go through when I came to USFSP so now I’m in the process of trying to get old classes approved so I don’t have to take them again. Trust me, it is a pain and I wish I had made sure my Associates degree made it over to USFSP.
2). Make sure you have all the necessary paperwork filled out! I applied to USFSP as an upper level student, but when they didn’t receive my AA, there was a conflict and they put a hold on my financial aid. I did not find out for weeks after, and only after I called! Call admissions and the registrar every week to make sure everything is in order; it will make everything easier for you in the long run.

3). Join a club! After being away for 2 years, I had lost touch with a lot of my friends and felt really alone and bored. Since USFSP has no sororities, I went on the hunt for a club that interested me, and here I am now writing for HerCampus USFSP! I have met a lot of great people and have tons of fun, so I highly recommend joining something and putting yourself out there.
4). Meet with your academic advisors. They are there to help you and answer any questions you may have. Different universities may have different requirements for the same major, so it is always a good idea to take any uncertainties to an advisor before you end up wasting a semester taking classes you don’t need.
Changing universities can be a pain, but it doesn’t have to be! Take my advice and make the transition as smooth as possible, you’ll be glad you did.

Photo Credit: USFSP.edu/giving

Emily is a senior at USFSP studying English Literature. She has been with Her Campus for one year and one month, and loves all the friends she has made by joining. Her hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, baking, and catching up on her favorite television shows. Her favorite thing about Her Campus is the ability to write about things that are relevant to girls her own age, as well as covering fun campus events. She looks forward to her last semesters of under graduate study and Her Campus USFSP.