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Freshman’s waffles builds friendships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

During the summer semester word began spreading around the dorms about freshman Aleek Nibbs’ waffles. He makes s’mores, red velvet and any other combination he thinks will help expand his horizons. His parents bought the waffle maker not realizing that it would become a way to meet many more people on campus.

“I’m from a haitian family so cooking is a big thing for us, cooking equals friendliness and happiness so I make waffles,” he said. “Word spread like a virus, I gave waffles to two people and then next thing you know people are getting mad at me because they’re not getting waffles.”

When he’s not making waffles, Nibbs is taking classes for his major in business and industrial design. Going to an arts high school in Miami showed him how much he liked drawing and designing things like shoes. This helped him choose his major. He’d like to be an industrial designer but says ideally he’d be a superhero.

Nibbs really enjoys long walks on the beach and spending time discussing his love of superheros.

“I love their ideology, they all seem to have a disability that in the end becomes their strength,” Nibbs said.

Growing up his family has always traveled during school breaks. They have been to China, Australia, New Zealand and this summer are currently planning their trip to Cuba.

He enjoys seeing the new places and taking in the new experiences.

Photo provided by Aleek Nibbs

Evy Guerra is a Journalism major at USFSP. After graduating she would like to write for the news to help tell stories that need to be heard. She loves reading memoirs, watching Parks and Recreation, and listening to Beyoncé with her sisters.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.