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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

The alarm sounds. It’s 9 a.m. To the rest of the world, the day started three hours ago. But, like many others in your class, you studied for the big test at the 24-hour Starbucks about four hours too long. If you only got two hours of sleep, wear a little make-up to help you look fresh-faced and not completely exhausted. Sacrifice three minutes and look like alive like Bella, not dead like Edward.

Line the inner bottom eyelid with white or nude eyeliner. This makes your eyes look more open. Then do a thin line on your top lid with black or brown eyeliner. This will give your eyes some definition. If you feel like you look like a doll, that’s OK. Once the look is complete, you will look normal. Finish with one or two coats of mascara to pull the look together.

Lack of sleep can make you look pale, so opt for a rosy pink blush or bronzer. Apply mostly to cheeks and dab a little color on your forehead and nose. This will make you look and feel better.

Don’t forget to eat breakfast or at least grab some orange juice or water before heading out the door. Nothing is more uncomfortable than taking a test on an empty stomach.

Just take a few minutes to pull yourself together after a long night. You will thank yourself when you ace that test!

Article can also be found on the USFSP Crow’s Nest newspaper.
Photo Credit: newyorkgirlstyle.com