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Fabulous Frozen Yogurt

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

Frozen yogurt seems to be a popular food trend in 2012, and healthy one at that! One particular franchise, Yogurtland, has been seen popping up all over the place and they have a lot to be proud of. Not only is their yogurt gluten free, but also contains vitamin C and meets National Yogurt Association criteria for live and active culture frozen yogurt. With over 25 flavors, at just .33 cents an ounce it is easy to see why customers continue to come back and try new flavors. Go check out Yogurtland and see why everyone is so impressed.

Emily is a senior at USFSP studying English Literature. She has been with Her Campus for one year and one month, and loves all the friends she has made by joining. Her hobbies include reading, spending time with friends, baking, and catching up on her favorite television shows. Her favorite thing about Her Campus is the ability to write about things that are relevant to girls her own age, as well as covering fun campus events. She looks forward to her last semesters of under graduate study and Her Campus USFSP.