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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

As the great Carrie Bradshaw once said “ I like my money where I can see it, hanging from my closet.” This is a true statement for self proclaimed shopaholics like myself. While having a lot of clothes is great, sometimes you can become overwhelmed when you look into your closet. When this happens, it’s time for you to declutter it.


What’s decluttering? Decluttering is when you spend an entire afternoon going through all of you clothes and getting rid of things that are either too small or you don’t see yourself wearing anymore.


Here is a step by step guide on how you can declutter your closet:


  1. Take all of the clothes out of your closet and dresser, place them on either your bed or floor (whichever you prefer).

  2. Separate them into different categories such as tops and bottoms.

  3. Try on each piece of clothing. By trying on all of the clothes in your wardrobe, you can keep pieces that flatter your body and toss pieces that don’t. Also, toss things you don’t see yourself wearing.

  4. Now that you have filtered out what you don’t want, you can put the winning pieces back into your closet.


Before you throw all of those clothes in the trash, consider donating to a local shelter in your neighborhood such as Daystar Life Center or Goodwill. If you live on campus, visit the Wellness Center, they are constantly running clothing drives as a partnership with local places in the community.


These steps don’t just work for clothes, but you can use them to downsize your purse and shoe collection.

I am a graduate student at the University of South Florida St. Petersburg pursuing my Masters in Digital Journalism and Design. I have a strong photography background with expertise in writing, social media, event marketing, and graphic design. Williams can be reached by email at tamiracle@mail.usf.edu.    Life is like a Camera. You focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out you take another shot. ~ unknown
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.