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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.

What motivates you? What motivates those around us? For some, the answer is simple. Sex. Money. Power. But for others, even though the answer may sound simple, the idea behind it is grand. While Ariana Grande is singing about 7 Rings and all that consumerism offers to motivate her, the following are 7 intangible items that motivate me:

1)    My potential

Knowing that I am only as limited as I allow myself to be greatly propels me forward.

2)    My grandmother Lenore

I sincerely hope everyone has a family member as supportive as my grandmother is to me.

3)    My freedom/independence

I came from a rather restrictive home, so to live on my own was a motivating force that I was able to actualize.

4)    My secrets

Every girl has got to keep a secret or two, right?

5)    Myself

I am my greatest champion and my worst enemy. However, the interesting assimilation of the two keeps it fresh. I want to make myself proud at the end of the day. After all, the only person you are constantly with 24/7 is yourself.

6)    Grad school

I know I can dream big and make even bigger realities occur!

7)    Sylvia Plath

Although I am just starting to work my way through her autobiography, her fictional piece The Bell Jar reminds me off paths not to turn down. Having a dreary fictional character and an even sadder fiction writer and poet as a motivator may sound weird, but when I am having low days, I remember the quote. “So I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart. I am. I am. I am.”


Hi, my name is Emily Sandifer. I am a 22 year old psychology student with the aspirations of working in higher education. I am passionate about writing, communication, and building interpersonal relationships.
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.