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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

Studying abroad can be an exciting, fulfilling experience for any college student. Many people who have studied abroad claim it’s an essential part of college experience; however, there’s no doubt that studying abroad, much like moving away to college, can be a scary, anxiety-inducing experience. Maybe you’re hesistant about the idea – if so, read on! 

Maybe you’re afraid of missing out. When you’re in another country, thousands of miles away from home, family, and friends, it’s easy to feel disconnected from the action – you might be scared of losing friends or falling out of touch. But luckily, in this day in age, your friends and family are only a phone or Facetime call away, making it more convenient than ever to keep in contact. Just watch out for those international data charges! 

It’s expensive. Sometimes studying abroad isn’t financially realistic, so some students miss out on the opportunity altogether. Luckily, a lot of universities offer programs that subsidize costs, or better yet, allow you to keep your current financial aid and pay your tuition for your semester abroad directly to your home school. Still not sure? This article breaks it down here

Being in a foreign environment can be intimidating. This is especially true if you’re planning to go somewhere where you don’t speak the language. Fortunately, a lot of programs partner with your home university to offer courses in your native language. That being said, many programs offer language courses – you’re bound to pick up a few phrases! Additionally, you’ll learn applicable skills to bring back home.

Ultimately, no article will be able to convey the experience of studying abroad; it’s a personal decision, and one you can only make for yourself. Studying abroad can be an incredibly enriching, expansive experience, where your worldviews are broadened – something you can’t learn in a classroom!


Her Campus USFCA contributors are all exemplery young women at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California! Founded in 2020, Her Campus USFCA has grown rapidly to represent our diverse campus community through the unique expression that Her Campus allows. Here readers will find communally contributed articles as well as anonymous articles written by our chapter. We hope that you enjoy these pieces!