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How to Stick to Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

The New Year has come—the time to set important goals to improve your life for a fresh new start and better year! The big down fall with resolutions is that hardly anyone ever keeps them. Setting resolutions is easy, but sticking to them is a different story. The first month or two is always great. You’re on track and motivated. But what happens after? 

According to a study by author and psychologist, Richard Wiseman, 52% of resolution-makers were confident that they’d achieve their goals, yet only 12% succeeded. What are those 12% doing that keep them so focused and motivated? HerCampus USFCA put together some helpful tips to keep you motivated and feeling fresh every day. Here are 4 tips on how to stick to your New Years resolutions!

1. Write down all your resolutions, and be specific

Don’t make ambiguous resolutions. A common mistake people make is setting big goals like, “ Be healthier” or “ Lose weight”. Instead, make your resolutions specific, such as, “ I am going to eat more fruits and vegetables,” or “ I am going to exercise 3 times a week for two hours”. What could also be more helpful is to determine why you want to achieve your goal.  For example, “ I am going to study an extra hour a day because I want straight A’s.” This will reinforce your resolutions, and keep you focused on what your goal specifically is.

2. Hang your list up where you can visibly see your goals
Put your goals on post-its or a piece of paper and post them in a visible place to remind and motivate yourself. This will also show your friends and family your resolutions, which will give you that extra kick of support!

3. Take action immediately
If you’re trying to lose weight, hit the gym! Or join a sports team or class. If you want to eat healthier, get rid of all that junk food! That means no more desserts, candy, or ice cream in the house. Also, surround yourself with people who will support your decisions and provide encouragement. There will be times when you don’t feel like trying, or you want to give up. If you want to lose 10 pounds, write down your weekly or monthly weight! A great way to keep yourself convinced that it IS worth it is to write down your progress.

4. Treat yourself!

We all know, hard work really does pay off. So reward yourself at the end of your completed resolution! Whether it be buying that gorgeous Michael Kors watch you’ve been dying to have, or having a spa day! If you stick to your goals and stay confident you’ll get to the end, you deserve it!

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Coming across Her Campus as a senior in high school and then leading her very own branch, Emily proudly calls herself the co-president and editor-in-chief of Her Campus University of San Francisco. While Emily has a guilty addiction to shopping, celebrities, and all things "girly" she hopes that she can integrate this into a relatable magazine to the women of her campus. Emily has a slight infatuation for John Krasinski and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. When she's not day dreaming about her future husbands, Emily is participating in many extra curricular activities such as her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta. Emily enjoys good company, good FOOD, and a good ole' television. One of the most recent television series Emily has become a fan of is ABC's Pan Am. If only Pan Am continued to exist, Emily would have seriously considered becoming a stewardess. The success of the branch has yet to blossom. Emily hopes that she can bring Her Campus University of San Francisco to its full potential. In the future, Emily plans studying abroad all over the European continent and pursue her passion of social justice through fashion.