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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

A First-Time Grunge Girl’s Guide

If you’re new to the San Francisco “house” party scene you’ve probably noticed that when it comes to going out, the style is a little bit different. Staring at an overflowing apartment off 42nd Avenue filled with every type of plaid that simultaneously smells like the inside of an IPA bottle and dampness while the sound of the hottest new underground Chiptune band is blaring through the speakers can be intimidating.

It doesn’t matter if inside you hear the version of yourself that indulges in Top 40 hits and most definitely has seen every episode of Gossip Girl screaming that you will never be cool enough to fit in with this crowd. You don’t want to be in any crowd that doesn’t take you as you are (Real Housewives binge watcher and all), but if you want a full immersion experience then don’t fret because here is your how-to guide to looking like a badass babe.

ONE: Don’t you dare redo your makeup from the day. If you get into that shower you’re taking the first step toward erasing your grunge cred. I love that grime goes from Friday night to Sunday morning. I know at the end of the week you are exhausted and have barely eaten a full meal in 4 days. Do your body a favor and take a nap, when you wake up your makeup will be the perfect amount of indifferently smudged.

TWO: Make sure your hair is at the height of its natural messiness. Thank god you just took that nap! I know you see that brush staring at your unruly locks, don’t pick it up. San Francisco collegiette style is all about ease and convenience. If you want to pick up some beach spray and pretend you wake up with wild waves, it can be our dirty little secret.

THREE: Close your eyes and grab the first thing in your closet. Maybe it’s a holiday sweater from your grandma or a skirt from your elementary school days that you never tossed because NOSTALGIA. Guess what: you’ll make your grandma happy and that skirt making a serious comeback is now the perfect length. The rest of your outfit should be full of dark, unique pieces that you either thrifted or found. If you can remember how you got an article of clothing then it’s just not ready. Fearlessly brave the world of mismatched attire with an air of confidence.



FOUR: Work boots, retro platform shoes, Birks with funky socks: if it is from another time or looks like it’s from another dimension then put it on your feet. Make sure you feel like you could successfully hike up LoMo in them though because if you’re going out in SF you’re essentially also going on a hike. If the most expensive thing you are wearing is a pair of novelty socks then you are 100% doing it right (also $10 socks?!).

FIVE: One girl’s trash is another collegiette’s accessories. Do you happen to be lugging around your mom’s costume jewelry from the ‘80s? Perfect. Rock that thick leather bracelet and don’t forget the mood rings on every finger because of course my pinky is sad while my thumb is angry. Duh. Who even says there needs to be sun shining for hat wearing awesomeness? If it is quirky and conversational then it needs to take the night with you. It’s called peacocking (that’s totally a thing). Don’t let the extra pieces overwhelm you though. Remember you already need to keep track of your phone, keys, and wallet, which will probably become increasingly difficult as the night progresses (definitely an argument for bringing back the fanny pack).

Don’t forget your patriarchal-crushing sense of self because let’s be real: the sexiest thing about you is your kickass personality and fiery wit. Leave your inhibitions and insecurities at home because you’re flanked by the greatest people you’ve ever met and San Francisco is your playground. You should always wear what you want and what makes you feel good. Anything goes in San Francisco, my wonderful collegiettes! 


Amelia is a junior at the University of San Francisco. She is an English major with a writing concentration and has a minor in music. She is a part time songbird and a full time lover of linguistics.
Her Campus USFCA contributors are all exemplery young women at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California! Founded in 2020, Her Campus USFCA has grown rapidly to represent our diverse campus community through the unique expression that Her Campus allows. Here readers will find communally contributed articles as well as anonymous articles written by our chapter. We hope that you enjoy these pieces!