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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

Valentine’s Day is a love-hate holiday for many people. It doesn’t depend on if you genuinely like it or not, most people like it when they’re in a relationship and dislike it when they’re not. When you’re single, it can be a holiday that you loathe or you may keep your schedule fully occupied to not think about what else you could be doing. If your friends are all in relationships, this day may leave you feeling isolated, or behind. For the singles out there, it may seem like a day full of dread, but you are a strong independent person who doesn’t need someone else to make yourself worthy or deserving of what you want.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for the people who are in relationships, it can be about you and your best friends. It can also be a day for you to take care of yourself, a time for you to really prioritize you. It’s a holiday about love and all of its gushy feelings, but that love can and should be directed towards yourself too. It’s a day to do what you love, eat what you love and talk to who you love.

February 14th is a day centered around love, and if that is with someone you hold these affections to, that is amazing and special. You might even feel encouraged to try something new with fellow single friends in the city, or (safely) meet up with that person you’ve been flirting with. In contrast, if your ideal day doing what you love means spending time alone, doing your favorite activities and eating your favorite foods, do it. 

The vibe of Valentine’s Day has changed in recent decades on college campuses, becoming a day for all of the couples to isolate themselves and all of the single people to hookup with one another. Those aren’t your only choices and knowing you have volition over your activities for the day is important. 

Don’t let a holiday marketed only for couples become something you don’t like simply because you aren’t in a relationship. Make it something you enjoy, because the most important relationship you have is with yourself.

MaryCate (she/her) is a graduate of the University of San Francisco with a BA in International Studies. MaryCate is now a Master's student at Sciences Po in Paris, France studying European Affairs and Global Health.