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Campus Cutie: Blake Gregor

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

Hometown: Highlands Ranch, Colo.

Major: Communications with a minor in theatre

Relationship Status: Single as can be!

Activities on Campus: Resident advisor, community assistant within the dorms, and advisor of the Resident Hall Council

Hobbies: Working out at the gym, acting, exploring the city, gymnastics/acrobatics and painting

Favorite Food: I love pizza!

Favorite spot on campus: Well, besides my bed in my dorm room, my favorite spot on campus is at the very top of the hill at Lone Mountain. You can see everything from up there. Plus, it’s a blast to roll down.

Favorite Class: Either my Human Biology class or my acting class! I love learning about how the human body works, but then how my acting class lets my creative energies flow!

Favorite spot in the city: Its a three-way tie between the Castro, the Embarcadero and Land’s End!

Favorite Animal: Masai giraffes

Celebrity Crush: Emma Watson and Taylor Lautner

Dating Deal Breaker: If they aren’t spontaneous or willing to take random chances. I need someone who can keep up with my passion to explore. They also need a sense of humor.

Hidden Talent: I am surprisingly flexible and can bend my body in weird directions.

Describe your ideal date: We rent a car and we grab some fast food, such as In-N-Out Burger or pizza, and we drive to some beautiful location within the city (Coit Tower, Baker Beach, pretty much anywhere with a view). We spend all night talking, eating delicious, greasy food, and looking out upon the beautiful city that we live in.

Three Wishes: 1) I wish I was a successful actor in either Hollywood or New York 2) I wish my family was forever happy and healthy 3) To travel the entire world (specifically to Africa because I want to ride a giraffe)

One embarrassing thing about yourself: Whenever someone burps, I always make a throw up noise. I absolutely hate burps — they disgust me!

Best pick-up line: Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile.