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7 Ways to Self Love on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFCA chapter.

It’s that time of the year when you begin to realize how single you really are. Instead of just feeling sad, here are 7 ideas you can do to love yourself this Valentine’s Day!

1. Dress up and have a photoshoot

2. Netflix

3. Treat Yo Self

4. Face Masks

5. Game night with your single friends

6. Bake/Cook

7. Yoga

Her Campus USFCA contributors are all exemplery young women at the University of San Francisco in San Francisco, California! Founded in 2020, Her Campus USFCA has grown rapidly to represent our diverse campus community through the unique expression that Her Campus allows. Here readers will find communally contributed articles as well as anonymous articles written by our chapter. We hope that you enjoy these pieces!