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Why Writing is My Outlet

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Writing is not only an art form, it can also be a form of therapy. Writing is a great way to express yourself, even though it sounds cheesy. Whether it’s lyrics, poems or stories writing can be used as an outlet to release negative energy and stress, which can improve anyone’s overall mental health. 


Relieving Stress


Writing can be done anywhere and at any time making it’s a great tool to help elevate stress. Being able to pick up a pencil, a pen or even using a laptop and just writing away whatever emotional build up that may be lingering from a stressful day can really be relaxing. Personally, writing and letting my mind run free with the pencil tends to allow me to feel much better after being incredibly upset about a particular issue or event. I write whatever comes to mind or whatever emotions dictate me at that moment and as soon as my pencil drops, I feel a calm relief come over me. 

The Convenience  


Writing can be done anywhere, at any time and with a handful of easy to access tools, making the art form extremely convenient. If you’re on the bus, you can create poems on your phone through notes. If you’re at home you can curl up with your laptop and a cup of tea. The point is writing can be done at any moment. Personally, I love to write at home with my laptop. I can personalize my desk and create a “Writing Station.” A place just for me, where I can ease my mind and be creative. 


There Are Many Different Forms of Writing 


Another wonderful thing about writing is that vast forms of writing that can be created, from poems to novels. Anyone can find their favorite way to write, for example, someone who jumps from issue to issue or ideas can write short stories, poems, and lyrics. Meanwhile, someone who likes to elaborate on details can write novels. I have gone through fazes of writing, when I was much younger I would write short stories. When I was in high school I wrote lyrics, which were the most relieving forms of writing. You could pack in all your emotions in one song and just leave them in the song. Now, I journal and write articles. I feel that my writing forms have matured at this point. I talk about things I am passionate about and less about myself. 


Writing Stimulates the Mind


Writing not only releases mental tension, it also gives the brain a mini work out. Writing allows for the creative juices to flow and thus promoting artistic expression. Writing also widens vocabulary and skills needed in the workplace. Overall writing helps your mind grow and mature. Being able to harness emotions and write about them can be an excellent mental exercise that will always be beneficial. For me the more I write the better I become at the skill and the more interesting my pieces become. I feel that writing is similar to reading, they actually go hand and hand to increase intellectual stimulation. 

Hello everyone!My name is Jackie. I love writting, fashion and music. Go Bulls!
Sydjea Watson is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Sydjea has a passion and great appreciation for the arts. She currently works as a freelance photographer while pursuing a photography certification at Rhode Island School of Design.