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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

“Dogs are a man’s best friend” is a popular phrase that has been used throughout the years. Although dogs can make a great companion and are adorable pets, cats are criminally overlooked as companions. Cats can provide comfort, love, and companionship just as well as a dog can. As a girl who grew up with cats, I would definitely say that my childhood cat was the best companion I could’ve asked for. To try and convince you to give cats a chance, I have accumulated a list of reasons why cats make wonderful companions. 

Cats are Low maintenance

The majority of cats tend to be very independent. Although cats enjoy having company and receiving love, they can enjoy their solitude just as much. Being busy with college or work can cause your schedule to pile up. Luckily, cats can stay at home for a while without being bothered. Having a dog, for example, may be more time consuming to take care of. Dogs need to be walked a few times a day, bathed, and will constantly want attention. Although there is nothing wrong with this, a person with a busy schedule may struggle to maintain a dog. If you are a busy person who can’t fully handle the responsibility of caring for a dog, I would definitely recommend owning a cat.

Cats are relatively quiet 

It may not always be the case, but the majority of cats are quiet animals. If you are someone who needs to live in a quiet environment, cats might just be the answer for you. Cats may meow occasionally, but in comparison to other animals, they are much quieter. Owning a cat will not disturb your peace or add additional noise to your place. If anything, cats bring a peaceful energy to any home. College students can specifically benefit from owning a cat due to our consistent study schedules. The peace and tranquility that cats bring to your home will allow for successful study sessions.

Cats can reduce stress

Studies reveal that petting cats can release hormones like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. These hormones formed in humans can significantly reduce stress and produce tranquility. Another study also showed that students that have spent ten minutes a day petting a cat have experienced decreases in cortisol, which is a stress hormone. College can be very stressful, so owning a cat may actually improve your mood and mental health overall. In my experience living with a cat while in college, spending time with a cat has significantly improved my mood when I get home after having a stressful day. 

Cats can be just as affectionate as dogs

Every cat is different, but many cats can actually be very affectionate. I grew up with the same cat throughout my childhood and my cat loves to cuddle and be included in my life. Contrary to the popular belief of cats being distant and unaffectionate animals, they can be very loving and kind when they are comfortable in their environment. Cats are not overbearing, but they always enjoy the company of their owner.

Hi! My name is Julia. I am am a third year English major (also a pre-law student). I am from Miami Beach and my family is Spanish and Argentinian. I love music, running, matcha, reading, traveling, and the beach.