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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

One of my goals for 2023 is to have a regimen. I want to have structure and discipline in my life. I know that it would allow me to  look forward to something. It would give me a reason to choose life over laziness. However, it is the beginning of February 2023, and for some reason, it is not working in my favor. 

This is my routine that I created for 2023 and beyond: 

  1. Wake up around 5:00 or 6:00am.
  2. Read my bible and pray
  3. Write in my journal
  4. Stretch and meditate
  5. Exercise
  6. Shower and do facial routine
  7. Get ready for work/my day!

As for my night routine:

  1. Shower and do facial routine
  2. Read my bible and pray
  3. Write in my journal
  4. Read a book
  5. Sleep

Is this too much to ask? Why can’t I keep up with this regimen on a 24/7 basis? This is when I realized that it’s mind over matter. I can say all the things that I want to do, and all the things I want to accomplish. However, I have to make that decision in my mind that I am going to accomplish my regimen.

I thought of every reason in the book on why I can’t accomplish my day and night regimens. School, work, procrastination. As soon as I get home from work, I’m exhausted. I don’t want to do anything but relax when I get home. Even better, I would go straight to sleep! However, I asked myself, is this beneficial? I realized that the things I want to do come from a great place, but I have to conquer mind over matter. It’s all about making the decision for myself so I can become a better person.

Well 2023 is still in its beginning stages, so I am planning on learning more about myself as I’m doing my regimens. I hope that doing this will bring peace and structure in my life. 

"Live. Learn. Grow. Go"