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What Your Fave Social Media Says About You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Your favorite social media site can say a lot about a person, whether you realize it or not. Here is what your favorite social media platform says about you:



You probably use Facebook to stalk your ex…or his new girlfriend. People who use Facebook, the most out of all the social media groups, like to creep on who is dating, pregnant, married, sharing the latest controversial news post or all of the above. Statistically, Facebook is declining in popularity, and being more used for a news source, so user’s are most likely looking for new information. Scientifically, Facebook users also tend to be more insecure with their friendships and relationships, and feel more inclined to post on people’s walls to show that they know an abundance of people.



You care about your image more than you might care about other things. 100% care about how much fun other people think you are having, whether it be with that cute guy you took to that social, or all your girlfriends at the beach. You want to see how many people are having as much fun as you, or more. You care about followers, and how many likes each photo gets, and which filter makes you look the best. Not your friend, just you. You also love to look at the popular page and see what other people are up too, and you wonder to yourself, how the hell does that girl have 207 likes?



You love to watch stories, but only stories of people who you are friends with. You don’t want to be caught watching your ex boyfriend or best-friends story, because they can’t know you care, but you post a story just to make them jealous anyways, and hey, who doesn’t? You only use the coolest geofilters, in the hottest places in town, but sometimes you wake up in the morning and the first thing you do is delete your story, which you thought was a good idea at the time. Nope, wrong. Snapchats are also used by people who are spontaneous, and like to live in the moment.



Professionalism, professionalism, professionalism. You care about your resume and how many people might contact you for a possible resume. You’re probably type A, and want nothing but the best said about you, so you keep the rest of your social media clean as a whistle. You want a job right out of graduation, and are always looking for new connections that could get you an internship with the biggest company in the city. 

Sydjea Watson is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Sydjea has a passion and great appreciation for the arts. She currently works as a freelance photographer while pursuing a photography certification at Rhode Island School of Design.