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What the Republican Party’s Project 2025 Means for Women in the USA

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is the Republican playbook for the first 180 days of their presidency; it attacks most basic human rights and is riddled with opinion stated as fact, citing articles that are filled with skewed and inaccurate data. It’s a 900+ page document written entirely in language that is inaccessible to the average American. 

Project 2025’s Recommendations Pertaining to Women’s Rights:  

On page 62, the recommendation for the office of the president, written by Russ Vought, focuses on dismantling the Gender Policy Council, created by President Biden’s executive order 14020 in 2021. Vought recommends the complete removal of this executive order and all policies that were produced from it. Vought’s recommendation explains that  “abolishing the Gender Policy Council would eliminate central promotion of abortion (“health services”); comprehensive sexuality education (“education”); and the new woke gender ideology, which has as a principal tenet “gender affirming care” and “sex-change” surgeries on minors”. 

On page 449, the Recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services begins with goal #1, titled “Protecting Life, Conscience, and Bodily Integrity ” It begins by telling its readers that their recommendations are to protect “the fundamental right to life, protect conscience rights, and uphold bodily integrity rooted in biological realities, not ideology”. They specifically claim that their recommendations are not based on ideology, but fail to cite any scientific articles to back up their claims about abortion. Instead they focus on religious conjecture, which is in fact based on ideology. 

Their recommendations are as follows: the secretary of the Health and Human Services office must conduct programs and activities with emphasis on the fact that life begins at conception and ends at natural death. It then recommends that officials strike down on “radical actors” that promote freedom of expression in regards to gender identity. They recommend that the HHS crack down on children and families and to be sure that they stay their biological sex. Republicans market themselves as the party of less government involvement but they continue to push harsh laws to control the choices of children, families, women, and the LGBTQ to push their religious views on them and call it religious freedom. They are lying to the American public, pretending to care about the average citizen when in reality their policies and opinions have been decided and no amount of pushback from the American public will change their minds. If we continue to vote for them and put them in power, we tell them that we agree with their policies.

A vote for the Republican presidential candidate is a vote for project 2025. It is a vote against the human rights and autonomy of women, LGBTQ+, and minorities. Although this article focuses on the recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services, specifically abortion, each and every department of the United States is offered a similar bigoted opinion based recommendation on how to conduct themselves under a Republican presidency. I urge you to read more of their proposals, in order to educate yourself on their policies in order to make an informed decision at the polls. Remember, if you are a woman a vote for the for people in support of this proposal  is a vote for the removal of your rights and your subsequent classification of second class citizens in the United States.

Carolina Gutfreund is a second year honors student double majoring in English with a Creative Writing concentration and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences with a dual concentration in Environmental Science and Policy and Social Relations and Policy. She is a climate advocate and the Treasurer of the Botanical Gardens Club at USF. She plans to work for the EPA when she is older. She has been published by the USF honors college, Thread magazine, and the Library of Congress.