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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

If you have been up to date on TikTok trends recently, you’ll know that there is one going around referencing female Roman Empires. To sum it up, there is a rumor that guys think about the Roman Empire at least once a week, if not more. Why is that? No idea. But women have been making videos pointing out things that they commonly think about, AKA the Female Roman Empires.That being said, here is a round up of a few of my favorite female roman empires. Hopefully, you agree. 

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days – Andie Anderson’s yellow dress

If you’ve seen this movie, you know about Andie’s dress that she wears to the jewelry event. It is, in my opinion, iconic. It’s a long, silk dress in the most beautiful shade of yellow. It has no sleeves, a plunging v-neck, thick straps, and an open back with adorable crossing slices on the lower back. Not to mention the way Matthew McConaughey looks at her in the dress makes me swoon every time. 

10 Things I Hate About You – Patrick (Heath Ledger) singing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You”

He did not have to sing that song for her, but he chose to. It is the definition of “if he wanted to he would.” 

Another Cinderella Story – Mary (Selena Gomez) dancing through the mirror

The raw emotion being shown in this scene was crazy. He did not realize she was on the other side of the mirror, but he felt her presence. I was obsessed with this movie as a kid. You just had to be there. 

Barbie in a Mermaid Tail – the half pink hair

No words, I just want to dye my hair pink.

Princess Diana

The only thing I can say is that she was a girl-boss with amazing style.

Greek Mythology

I feel like at some point in all of our lives we had an obsession with Greek Mythology. I cannot explain why but I feel like Percy Jackson had something to do with it.

Pride and Prejudice (2005) – the hand flex (IYKYK)

Mr. Darcy was so in love with her it made my heart happy. Jane Austen knew what she was doing when writing, and Joe Wright knew what he was doing when directing that scene. It’s the little things. 

Percy Jackson – Lotus Hotel scene

Anytime I hear “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga, I get flashbacks to this scene. 

Hannah Montana the Movie

Everything about it was perfect. Especially Travis, in my opinion. 

Rio soundtrack

Whoever put that soundtrack together deserves the world. 

Hello! My name is Rose Long and I am originally from Johnstown, Pennsylvania. In high school, I participated in cheerleading, dance, Mini-THON, and many other extracurricular activities. Graduating from Bishop McCort High School, I moved to Tampa, Florida this year to attend the University of South Florida. Right now, I am in the pre-architecture program, but I hope to get into the graduate program after my sophomore year. If I do get into the program, I will be in college for a total of six years and graduate with my master's degree. A few of my personal interests include reading, cheerleading, traveling, baking, fun earrings, drawing, volunteering, and more. My craziest pair of earrings are either my sharks or my dinosaurs. In the future, I want to explore other interests such as animal conservation or gardening.