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THROWBACK THURSDAY: Courage the Cowardly (& Creepy) Dog

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

One of my favorite childhood memories was watching a cute, pink dog try and save his family from the supernatural in the middle of Nowhere, Kansas. Courage the Cowardly Dog has a rap for being downright creepy from villains like Freaky Fred, Monsieur le Quack, and Katz.

Meanwhile, Courage has had some memorable episodes (good and bad). Looking back, I can’t help but to think what kind of show did we watch as a kid? Better yet, back in 1995 the show even ran for a nomination at the Academy Awards for Best Animated Short Film; the episode was for “The Chicken in Outer Space”.

Netflix Instant Watch carries this beloved outlandish series, so here are the top 8 episodes you should be looking up!

8. “Queen of the Black Puddle” season 1

This is one of the scariest episodes of “Courage the Cowardly Dog” when following a rainstorm a puddle contains a demonic woman. She seduces Eustace and takes him underwater so she can eat him up. Poor Courage dives in after them in an intense chase scene revealing the skeletons the demon queen has taken the lives of.

7. “Little Muriel” season 1

After a tornado travels through Nowhere destroying the family home, Courage finds Muriel has turned into a three-year-old. It’s up to Courage to find a way to get her back to normal!

6. “Ball of Revenge” season 4

Eustace gets jealous of the attention Courage has been getting from Muriel so he invites Courage’s freakiest enemies to get rid of him! As one of the last episodes of the show, it’s a great episode to see Katz, the Puddle Queen, the mobster Foot and a few more cameos.

5. “King Ramses’ Curse” season 1

A creepy-voiced King Ramses unleashes curse upon curse on Courage’s family after Eustace refuses to return a stolen ancient slab.

4. “The House of Discontent” season 2

The spirit of the Harvest Moon threatens serious consequences to be paid if Courage’s family doesn’t move out of the house. It’s all because Eustace, who claims he’s a farmer, hasn’t actually planted anything on his land.

3. “Perfect” season 4

In this last episode of the series, Courage has trouble doing things right. He meets a freaky schoolteacher who tries to teach Courage how to be perfect. What the episode is trying to say is there is no perfect way to end a series.

2. “Remembrance of Courage Past” season 4

Such a sad episode, we finally get to see through flashbacks Courage’s emotional past. We see puppy Courage and what mysteriously happened to his parents to leave him behind. Even though we know the ending (Muriel takes him home), the end of this episode is suspenseful.

1. “The Demon in the Mattress” season 1

When Muriel orders a new mattress, she gets more than she bargained for. In this creepy “Exorcism”-themed episode, the demon in the mattress possesses Muriel and only Courage can tell something is wrong with her!


Image sources:http://la-nita.tumblr.com/post/19036769722/freaky-fred-the-nauuuuughty-barber-from-courage




Brittany is a senior at the University of South Florida, majoring in mass communications with a focus on magazine journalism. She is also pursuing a minor in creative writing. She's written for an online magazine, Reasons to be Beautiful. She enjoys reading, watching movies and hooked on tv shows. Her dream job would be to write for Entertainment Weekly or writing movie reviews while living in the U.K.
Justine is a recent graduate of the University of South Florida. She received her B.A. in mass communcations in spring 2014. She was the 2013-2014 Campus Correspondent for Her Campus USF.She was also a News & Feature Writing Intern for College of Arts and Sciences and the Public Relations Campus Rep for Rent the Runway at USF. She is currently seeking agency experience and would love to someday work for a magazine, become a novelist, poet, editor, host of a Travel Channel show and much more.  She enjoys writing about fashion, beauty, art, literature, pop culture and student life. She spends most days listening to Lana del Rey, calming her nerves with various types of cheese, being sassy and trying to figure out when she can take a nap.Check out her website and portfolio here.She'd love you forever, if you followed her on Twitter @tinafigs_.Contact Justine regarding business inquires only at justinefigueroa@hercampus.com.