I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m very much looking forward to spring break. It’s starting to get warm again, midterms are almost over, and we live in Florida which means easy access to the beach. I feel like I finally have a chance to slow down, breathe, and have a good time for once. Unfortunately, it seems like while college students are excited for spring break, the rest of the world is over it. The overall attitude of people who aren’t our age when it comes to spring break is annoyance at the youth and a dislike for the party culture of college, which doesn’t make much sense because the older generations definitely enjoyed their own spring breaks when they were our age. Regardless, places that are normally popular spring break destinations such as Miami are enacting strict curfews, rules, and fines this year in an attempt to keep spring-breakers from disrupting their communities. While I’m sure people will still go, I made the decision to find alternative plans to avoid running into any problems and/or possible dangerous situations.
Here’s a list of things to do locally that don’t involve partying:
- The Strawberry Festival
The Florida Strawberry Festival is currently in town, held in Plant City until March 10, which makes it the perfect activity to kick off the beginning of spring break for USF students. There’s a variety of shows, like Flo Rida!; carnival rides; fun food options; and activities to see and do!
- Road Trip around the state
My friends and I decided we are going to go on a relaxing road trip instead of partying this year. Each of us are originally from different cities in Florida so we’re saving money on housing accommodations by staying with our parents and introducing each other to fun things we do in our hometown! This is a great option for people who love to drive and can vibe with their friends in the car. Good music, good snacks, good times!
- Catch up on rest
This sounds like a very obvious one but a good idea nonetheless. If I didn’t already have plans you could catch me spending the entire week in bed catching up on sleep and Netflix shows I haven’t had the opportunity to binge.
- Develop a new skill or hobby that you’ve been wanting to try
When school is in session and I’m focused on my studies, it’s hard to find time for various time consuming hobbies, which is something I know a lot of people can relate to. Take the time to either try something new or even catch up on an old hobby that relaxes you. For me, this would be practicing new nail designs or reading for fun.
- Try cooking new meals
Personally, I’m too busy during the week to actually cook elaborate meals and try new things. This break could be an opportunity to try new recipes with your friends, learn to cook better if you aren’t already good at it, and spend your time creating and enjoying delicious food.
- Closet clean out
I know this sounds like it wouldn’t take a week to do, but for someone with as many clothes as I have, trust me, it takes a while. Spring cleaning sounds like a perfect way to reset and go into the second half of the semester feeling refreshed. It also gives you the opportunity to get rid of things you don’t wear anymore, feel fulfilled by donating clothes, and let’s face it––it also gives you the opportunity to go shopping for new clothes, which is something everyone enjoys.
- Do every day at a different beach
As a Floridian who loves the beach, something that sounds really fun to me is going to all the different beaches in the area and rating each one. In my opinion, there’s nothing more relaxing than a day at the beach save for an entire week at the beach.
- Movie marathon with your friends
I’m lucky if I get to see my friends one-on-one on a weekly basis let alone have them all in the same setting at once for a long period of time. I feel like there’s no better time to gather all your favorite people in one place, make some fun snacks, and marathon a bunch of movies you’ve had on your list forever.
- Do museum tours
If you’re the kind of person who enjoys art and culture, this is a great option that’s also mostly cost effective. There are a lot of museums in this area specifically, and most are super cheap to get into, if not free. Get a group of people together, plan cute outfits, and enjoy different museums in the area for a very stress-free and fulfilling break.
- Do some hiking
There are a lot of great places to explore nature, especially here in Florida. Being close to nature is really relaxing for many people, and there are a lot of great trails, parks, and springs to explore and enjoy.
I hope this list inspires new ways to relax and enjoy spring break in a different way than most. Happy spring break and as always, if you do decide to party, be safe and do so responsibly!