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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Why is it that as soon as Halloween ends, we move straight to the winter holidays? This has been something I’ve questioned almost every year. Stores and cities start to get decorated for these holidays the moment November begins and as much as I love the winter holidays, Thanksgiving’s importance is often overlooked.  

Growing up, I too have glossed over Thanksgiving. If I’m being honest, I’m not too fond of turkey anyways. Regardless, this doesn’t mean that Thanksgiving should be ignored. There are still so many things to enjoy about Thanksgiving. For example, the food and decorations can be just as enjoyable for this holiday. Foods I enjoy during Thanksgiving include stuffing, mashed potatoes, and pumpkin pie. I also love decorating the dinner table and living room with fall themed tablecloths and centerpieces. Thanksgiving should be romanticized and enjoyable.

The most important part of Thanksgiving is the time spent with family and friends. Thanksgiving allows people to enjoy the company of loved ones that they may not always have the time to see. Staying grounded and reflecting on what you are truly thankful for can bring happiness and peace for at least this one day in the year. I know that everytime I come home to my family for Thanksgiving, I always feel welcomed and loved. Everyone has blessings whether they are aware of them or not. Thanksgiving allows you to consider the best parts of your life. 

If you can’t find a way home to your family for Thanksgiving, there are other ways to appreciate this holiday. Spending Thanksgiving with friends is always a great way to appreciate the people you love. Having a Friendsgiving can bring you closer to your friends and allow you to still practice gratitude. You can also spend some time with your family and friends virtually if you are unable to see them and still have a great time. My point is that Thanksgiving can still be a way to practice gratitude and spread love from wherever you are.

I’m not saying to take down your Christmas trees or Hannakah decorations. I personally love putting up my Christmas tree as soon as possible. The one thing I want you to take from this is to not move past Thanksgiving so quickly. Sit back and reflect on all of your blessings and appreciate the time you have to spend with your loved ones while you can. 

Hi! My name is Julia. I am am a third year English major (also a pre-law student). I am from Miami Beach and my family is Spanish and Argentinian. I love music, running, matcha, reading, traveling, and the beach.