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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Sergio Perez

Psychology major


Full name? “Sergio Rene Perez.”
Nickname? “ShurGaJoe.”

Hometown? “Tampa, Fla.”

Major? “Psychology.”

Minor? “I don’t have a minor.”

What year are you? “I’m a Senior.”

Relationship Status? “I am in a relationship with Cristine Graff.

Why did you choose to attend USF? “My choice of USF was more of a certainty, I had attended community college for my general education requirements so as a result I knew if I applied to schools in Florida I was going to get in. I applied to USF mainly out of convenience; being close to my family for support is very important to me.”

What do you love the most about USF? “The faculties within the psychology department are particularly knowledgeable. I have learned much not only from lecture in class, but interacting with them outside of class in which discussions were had about psychology topics that helped me grow more comfortable with the idea of psychological research.”

What is your favorite class you have taken at USF? “Child and adolescent social development.”

What do you want to do with your degree? “I want to further my education by pursuing PhD level graduate programs in clinical psychology.”

What is your dream job? “I want to be a child clinical therapist.”

What is one piece of advice you would give a freshman at USF? “Don’t drink the water.”

How do you spend your time outside of school? “Time spent outside of school is devoted to relaxation/stress relieving activities such as drinking, video games, spending time with the girlfriend, spending time with family and the occasional participation in a moment of exercise.”

What are some of your hobbies and talents? “I’m a nerd. So one of my hobbies (besides video games) is table top strategy games. Those models used to play the game need to be painted, so I  have been told before that I am a talented painter, but I disagree. I mean what artist actually likes his work anyway, am I right?”

What are your goals for this year? “Graduate!”

When do you graduate? “In a couple of weeks.”

What will you do after graduation? “Nothing, if I can help it. At least for a month or so…”

Have you ever done an internship? “No.”

Who do you look up to as a mentor, idol, or role model? “My father. That man has been through two life times of trials and tribulations that I couldn’t even begin to fathom. It is for that reason that I envy his tenacity, and no matter how much life really stomps him into the dirt he always seems to get back up dust himself off and keep on truckin’.”

What quote do you live by? “That’s some genuine Cambodian breast milk”  — Dave Chapelle

Kelsey Howard is a senior at the University of South Florida. She is majoring in mass communications with a concentration in magazine and a minor in American Sign Language. Kelsey is currently on the Editorial Team for Her Campus USF, is a blogger for Rent the Runway and a news writing intern for USF College of Arts and Sciences. She loves writing about fashion, beauty, relationships, careers, education, and much more. Kelsey aspires to move to New York City after graduation to pursue a career at a national, monthly magazine. Kelsey is currently on a mission to empower girls and women everywhere! Follow Kelsey on Twitter and Instagram at @KelseyKayHoward and read her personal blog at http://www.kelseykayhoward.com. View her resume and portfolio at www.kelseykayhoward.info.
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.