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woman wearing green graduation cap
woman wearing green graduation cap
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Senior Year, Graduation, What’s Next?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Senioritis is real. There comes a time during every college student’s senior year where they become anxious to be done with late all-nighters, being broke and going to the same bars every Thursday night. Seniors also become extremely frightened of the future. What’s next? How do I make a steady income that doesn’t involve thousands of dollars in student loans? And most importantly what does the next chapter of my life involve me doing? There are many steps one can take to ensure success after graduation.


1. Internships

Although they usually aren’t paid, internships are a great way to put yourself out there and gain experience in whatever field you’re seeking a job in. By meeting working professionals and shadowing them, you can gain the hands on experience and learn things you simply cannot in a classroom. Additionally, internships are great ways to open the doors with potential future employers.


2. Networking

Networking is something our most people fail to do, but it is one of the most essential parts of making connections that lead into jobs. Communicating with strangers can be hard. Maintaining relationships can be harder. However, when you take the time to make connections with people who may know the right people, it can open many doors in the future.


3. Updating Resume

There comes a time where every college senior should create or update their professional resume in order to start sending them out to future employers. There are many tools on college campuses to ensure that your resume looks professional and is ready to be seen by important people. Make sure you use the proper tools before sending out any of your information. Your resume should stand out above others, and highlight what makes you special and talented in your field.


4. Creating a LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the new form of online job seeking. Most working professionals and people seeking a job are on the website. It is a wonderful tool that allows you to upload your resume, work experience and skills and allows you to showcase yourself as a professional. I recommend everyone make an account when job hunting.


5. Not Giving Up On School

Although it is tempting to stop caring about school when you’re a senior, we must remember that those are probably your most important classes in your major. Additionally, it is important to maintain a steady GPA that can set you apart and make you more hirable. Especially if you’re graduating with honors.


6. Attending Job Fairs

Attending job fairs goes hand in hand with networking. Meeting the right people at the right time is an incredible way to open the right doors. By putting yourself out there, you can go on multiple interviews for opportunities. Even if you’re not offered every job, attending interviews is great practice for when you get that one interview that will help you land the job.


7. Putting Yourself Out There

Make connections with everyone you meet. You never know when one thing could lead to another. Be confident and friendly to everyone, because before you know it you will meet the right person and land that dream job.

Carolina Meneses is a student at the University of South Florida in Tampa studying mass communications with a concentration in public relations. She is a blogger for various websites, writer, singer and is passionate about all things fashion, beauty and life. Menesescarolina.com
Student at the University of South Florida. Sister and Corresponding Secretary of Gamma Phi Beta. Artist, writer, and animal lover.