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MUSIC MONDAY: Panic! Because PATD is back!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Panic at the Disco’s new ablum, “Too Weird to Live, Too Rare to Die” is set to be released October 8. Bringing in three million views on YouTube, their newest single “Miss Jackson” (feat Lolo) is found as number 11 on the Hot Rock Songs charts and reaches 68 on the top 100 of the month!  The song was released on YouTube July 15.  “This is Gospel” was released August 12 and brought in two million views on YouTube. Both songs are super catchy and just as good (if not better) as “I Write Sins Not Tragedies” (released July 2006) and “Nine in the Afternoon” (released Feb 2008).  The new singles show improvement, even after the band lost two original members and gained two new members

The lead singer, Brendon Urie named the album “Too Weird To Live, Too Rare to Die” (a quote from “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”) after realizing his hometown of Las Vegas is also known as the party capital of the United States. Urie says, “People go there to lose themselves in the moment, and drop their guard, and it hit me in a way. Like, ‘Wow, I want to do that. I want to make music like that, that moves people, that’s a party, that makes you feel good.’”

Urie speaks more about the single “Miss Jackson” and how the song comes from developments in his personal life.  “When I was younger, I would mess around; I’d sleep with one girl one night, sleep with her friend the next night, and not care about how they felt, or how I made them feel. And then it happened to me and I realized ‘Wow, that’s what that feels like? I feel really shitty.’  I knew I had to change, because I didn’t want to feel that way again, or make other people feel that way,” he continued. “So I wrote the song. It’s based off someone who is real, though I don’t think they would know it. They might suspect it, and if they figure it out, I’d love to talk to them about it.”  This being the reason behind the song, it can easily relate to college students and anyone that has had the same experience. 

Panic at the Disco is touring now without their drummer, Spencer Smith, who is currently in rehab for substance abuse issues. They are scheduled to play at the USF Sun Dome the on September 29 with Fall Out Boy and Twenty One Pilots.  Let’s hope they drop another killer single before then! 


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I'm Mika. A junior at USF majoring in Creative Writing. Huge fan girl of books, TV and movies! Addicted to Vine and Tumblr. Goals: 1. Getting my masters in CW, 2. Becoming Vine famous, 3. Best selling author, 4. Travel the world.
Justine is a recent graduate of the University of South Florida. She received her B.A. in mass communcations in spring 2014. She was the 2013-2014 Campus Correspondent for Her Campus USF.She was also a News & Feature Writing Intern for College of Arts and Sciences and the Public Relations Campus Rep for Rent the Runway at USF. She is currently seeking agency experience and would love to someday work for a magazine, become a novelist, poet, editor, host of a Travel Channel show and much more.  She enjoys writing about fashion, beauty, art, literature, pop culture and student life. She spends most days listening to Lana del Rey, calming her nerves with various types of cheese, being sassy and trying to figure out when she can take a nap.Check out her website and portfolio here.She'd love you forever, if you followed her on Twitter @tinafigs_.Contact Justine regarding business inquires only at justinefigueroa@hercampus.com.