Three years after their hit single “Pumped Up Kicks” went on air, Foster the People came back with their newest album “Supermodel”. Half of the music on their first album “Torches” was licensed. If you’re a fan of The Vampire Diaries you probably heard them a lot during the show. In 2011, Billboard listed Foster’s “Pumped Up Kicks” as the number six song of the year (out of ten) with 3.84 million copies sold of the single.
For fans of Foster the People, the good news is that the new album has a similar sound to their previous one. It has a familiar beat, but the new songs are edgier. What separates this album from the previous is that all of the new songs are more uniform in sound, whereas in “Torches” each song was a surprise (compare “Pumped Up Kicks” to “Helena Beat” to “Life on the Nickel”). However, “Supermodel” has a funky tone with more instruments and a fun tune.
If anything, “Supermodel” is another chilled out album produced by Foster the People, and the perfect album to have out while hanging out at the pool, tanning at the beach, or relaxing over the summer!
Foster the People is a unique band because, unlike many mainstream bands, they sound great live. If you love their music, watching them play is a real treat. They’ve announced their tour dates and, luckily, they are coming to Florida for one day! Grab those tickets fast if you want to see them in Tampa on May 4 at the Big Guava Music Festival.
Recommended songs to check out: “Coming of Age” “Psuedologia Fantastica” “Best Friend” and “The Truth”
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