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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Here at HerCampus USF, we thrive on girl power. We love everything it encompasses and are always looking for women who seem to somehow balance all the hectic aspects of their life. When we see a woman who has a man who supports her, a child who looks up to her, and a rockin’ career, we can’t help but want to achieve the same blissful balance.


Alicia Keys has been working on her music career since she was seven years old and started playing piano, but this past year Alicia has really taken off. Between her new Set The World On Fire tour, singing at the inaugural ball for the President, and releasing new songs about her new sense-of-self, we wonder how she has the time to spend with her family! Although, we recall the constant close-ups of Swizz Beats and Egypt admiring Alicia onstage at the Inaugural Ball and the Grammys.

Aside from finding the perfect balance between her work and personal life, Alicia never fails to reach out to women when it comes to her music. Two of her new and popular songs include “Girl on Fire” and “Brand New Me.” Alicia makes it a point to address her fans personally about the meaning of these two songs. In “Girl on Fire” she speaks of “finding your own inner strength and channeling it in a way you’ve never tried before.” She wants to encourage her fans to live for what they are passionate about and to claim their power. She also thanks her fans for their support and for being a part of her journey as an artist. When it comes to “Brand New Me,” Alicia writes to her fans that the song is about embracing the change in her life. She writes, “It’s about embracing that change and accepting myself as I continue transitioning into the woman I am meant to be. There is NOTHING wrong with being ‘brand new.’” Alicia is working on becoming the best version of herself and she wants her fans to do the same.

Watch Alicia’s new music videos for Girl on Fire and Brand New Me on her YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/al…. Watch the full version of her Inaugural Ball performance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v…. Follow her on Twitter at @aliciakeys and like her Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/alici….

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Kelsey Howard is a senior at the University of South Florida. She is majoring in mass communications with a concentration in magazine and a minor in American Sign Language. Kelsey is currently on the Editorial Team for Her Campus USF, is a blogger for Rent the Runway and a news writing intern for USF College of Arts and Sciences. She loves writing about fashion, beauty, relationships, careers, education, and much more. Kelsey aspires to move to New York City after graduation to pursue a career at a national, monthly magazine. Kelsey is currently on a mission to empower girls and women everywhere! Follow Kelsey on Twitter and Instagram at @KelseyKayHoward and read her personal blog at http://www.kelseykayhoward.com. View her resume and portfolio at www.kelseykayhoward.info.
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.