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Kasey Gray: Meet A Her Campus Member

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Kasey Gray is nineteen years old and a sophomore at the University of South Florida in the Honors College. As an English literature major and a self-proclaimed music buff, Kasey exudes a calm, cool and collected nature, which contradicts her friends description of her as hyperactive and crazy.

Where are you from? “Bradenton, Florida.”

Why USF? “Because it was only an hour away from home, meaning I can still visit regularly, and because my sister lives in Tampa so I get to be closer to her.”

What clubs and organizations do you participate in? “I’m a part of Her Campus as well as the Honors College.”

Are you a morning person or a night owl? “Definitely a night owl.”

Tell me about your family. “I have a mother who is very crazy. I think it’s because she works with little kids all day. My dad is your typical overprotective dad who is in love with anything Harley Davidson and is a huge music buff. I also have an older sister that is like my best friend; I tell her everything.”

Let’s talk fashion. Describe your style. “Very beachy and kind of grunge, but I can also be very girly or very country depending on my mood. Beachy/grunge is my most common look though.”

Who are your style icons? “Demi Lovato and Taylor Swift.”

What fashion trends do you wish would go away? “UGG boots with sweatpants! It looks so sloppy. As well as super high waisted pants.”

What are you passionate about? “I’m passionate about reading, animals and most sports, especially softball.”

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten? “Be myself, stop focusing so much on what others think and just have fun.”

What is your personal mantra?Vincit Qui Se Vincit, which means, ‘She conquers who conquers herself.’ I recently got it tattooed on my ribs.”

What is your favorite TV show? “It’s a tie between Criminal Minds, Pretty Little Liars and Teen Wolf.”

What’s your favorite book?Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.”

What’s your favorite Disney movie?Mulan!”

Where do you see yourself in ten years? “I haven’t quite figured that out yet, but hopefully with an awesome job in publishing or as a journalist or something and on my way to starting a family.”

Last question: If you were a student at Hogwarts, what house would you be sorted into? “According to Pottermore, I’m a Slytherin, although I’ve always liked Gryffindor better.”

Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.