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How to Celebrate Valentine’s Day as a Single Hottie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

It’s February and that can only mean one thing: Valentine’s Day is right around the corner.


The aisles of stores are stocked with all things red, pink, glittery, heart- print and cutesy. Valentine’s Day is the worst holiday on earth (yes, I’m single). But that has nothing to do with my opinion. There’s an obscene amount of pressure for single women not to be alone and for those who are in relationships to have a fairytale-esque night. Guys are clamoring around trying to make sure that their grandiose gestures are big enough to “prove” their love to their significant others on a day that, if not for the title, would just be an ordinary day.

And that’s exactly my advice to you. Just think of it as another day.

The last thing you want to do is be THAT person on social media posting bitter “forever alone” statuses or tweets.

Instead, keep reading to find out the most fabulous ways to spend the day as a free woman. (Hint: It’s not going to be sitting at home in your pajamas crying over a pint of ice cream. Go out and eat froyo instead, save the ice cream for the sad girls.)  

This year, Valentine’s Day is on a Friday so if you’re in the mood to party it’s a perfect night to get all your single gal pals together. Recreate an 80’s film montage and do your hair and makeup together (don’t forget to sing Beyoncé lyrics loudly into your hairbrush), slip into something breathtaking and head out for a night on the town with your girls. Who has time to worry about their relationship status when they’re dancing the night away?

Maybe you’re not in the mood to paint the town red. Host a slumber party for your Galentines!

Buy some facemasks, snacks, magazines, cute Valentine’s Day gifts from Target’s $1 zone, make sure someone attending has a Netflix account and voila! You are all set for an awesome night with your girls.

But what if you’re the single friend within your group of friends?


It doesn’t make you any less fabulous.

There are plenty of ways for you to spend the day.

Hit up the gym. There won’t be a ridiculous wait for any of the machines you want to use. Remember: exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t sit around and mope about their relationship status on Valentine’s Day.  

Treat yourself to some nice quality “me time.” If you’re in the mood for a relaxing spa day, mani/pedi, massage, facial, hair treatment, you name it, Groupon has lots of deals so you won’t break the bank. Who needs a date when you love yourself this much? Not you!

Why not actually do some of those things that you have pinned on your Pinterest? Cook something yummy for yourself. Craft something adorable.

Maybe you’re just in the mood to lay in bed and watch Netflix all day, that’s cool too.

There are just so many better things for you to be doing than sitting around moping about being single because truth is, February 14th is just another day.

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Justine is a recent graduate of the University of South Florida. She received her B.A. in mass communcations in spring 2014. She was the 2013-2014 Campus Correspondent for Her Campus USF.She was also a News & Feature Writing Intern for College of Arts and Sciences and the Public Relations Campus Rep for Rent the Runway at USF. She is currently seeking agency experience and would love to someday work for a magazine, become a novelist, poet, editor, host of a Travel Channel show and much more.  She enjoys writing about fashion, beauty, art, literature, pop culture and student life. She spends most days listening to Lana del Rey, calming her nerves with various types of cheese, being sassy and trying to figure out when she can take a nap.Check out her website and portfolio here.She'd love you forever, if you followed her on Twitter @tinafigs_.Contact Justine regarding business inquires only at justinefigueroa@hercampus.com.