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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

The headline grabbed your attention, didn’t it?

EDM artist Grimes (real name Claire Boucher) announced in her Wall Street Journal interview that she was planning to execute her persona “Grimes” in order to eliminate the barriers she set for herself in becoming that persona.

Photo courtesy of flipboard.com

She now prefers to be called “c,” presumably an abbreviation of her first name. The single letter is also the symbol for the speed of light in a vacuum, as she says in her interview. The influence of her aerospace engineer boyfriend, Elon Musk, shows through with this statement.

Photo courtesy of Daily Caller

She also shared information about her newest album, “Miss_Anthrop0cene,” labeled after the goddess of climate change. Her newest album is meant to convey the beauty of climate change. “I want to make climate change fun,” she said, “I see the polar bear and want to kill myself… I want to make it beautiful.”

Photo courtesy of @grimes on Instagram

Grimes’ work is very unique in its sound and style, and fans are now wondering if the execution of Grimes means the artist’s style will be vastly different as she switches personas. As a talented young woman in the music industry, many are looking forward to what her next chapter has in store.

Photo courtesy of ludditestero.com

I'm a junior at USF studying Integrated PR and Advertising. Writing has always inspired me and I love being able to use my platform to spread positivity and knowledge!
Hey! My name is Leticia and I am the Campus Correspondents here at USF. I am graduating in MAY (omg) with a degree in Advertising and PR. I am originally from Brazil, needless to say, I LOVE the beach and being outside! I enjoy everything from make-up to fitness and sports. In my free time you can find me thrifting, playing photographer, or at home with my hubby binging Netflix.