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Five Apps Every Collegiette Needs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

iHomework (Apple) / HomeWork (Android)

Both the Apple app, iHomework, and Android equivalent, HomeWork, are fantastic apps for a collegiette with a busy schedule. These apps allow students to add their course schedules and assignments all into one convenient organized place. Let’s be real, college can be very overwhelming when the papers start adding up and the syllabus is forgotten about. It’s easy to forget about an assignment. Using these apps to get organized from the start with the ability to add and adjust things throughout the semester, you’re sure to stay on track.  


College can be incredibly expensive and many students find themselves wondering where their whole pay check went. If it is your first attempt at keeping track of finances, or you just want to be a little bit more financially responsible Mint is an app available for both Android and Apple users that allows you to set a budget and automatically sync with your bank account so no input is required. It gives overviews of your different accounts, cash flow, bill reminders, and even advice. It also includes numerous charts and graphs to allow you to visually see where the majority of your income is going, as well as your changes in spending overtime.


Looking to lose weight after all of the holiday feasting? With swim suit season just around the corner the MyfitnessPal app, available for both Android and Apple, can be useful to any collegiate looking to stay on track with her diet. MyFitnessPal allows for easy food and exercise entry. It is also known for having the largest food database to accurately keep track of your daily intake. There is also an option to add friends to your account to track and support each other’s progress.    


Both Apple and Android have their own apps called Shopper, but over all they both do the same thing – help you shop! With a busy schedule you may find that you don’t have time to get your shopping fix and these apps help fix that. They allow you to browse items, look at reviews and even compile a shopping list to help you stay on track when you do make it to the store. If you ever have an item and want to find more information on it or compare prices, Shopper is also capable of recognizing cover art and barcodes.   

Trendstop Fashion Trend Tracker

Every collegiette needs a study break and for those who are into fashion the app Trendstop Fashion Trend Tracker is the ultimate way to catch up on fashion news and find out what trends are soon to hit the street. The app is available for both Apple and Android and includes photos, news, videos, ideas and fashion show galleries. Through the app you have the ability to share trends on Facebook, Twitter, email, or save to your favorites to visit later. This is a must have for every fashionista collegiette out there!    

These apps are all available within the Apple App Store or Android Play Store and are mostly free. Stay organized, stay healthy and stay happy!

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I am an editorial writer for Her Campus USF!
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.