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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.


Contrary to popular belief, the elusive “nice guy” of romantic daydream is still alive and well—and he goes to USF! Devin Shorey, 19, is a second year psychology major who originates from Weston, Fla.. He enjoys playing guitar, cooking, basketball and writing.

Devin has been playing classical acoustic guitar for nine years. His favorite song is the Spanish style “Malaguena.”

If he isn’t making girls swoon with his musical skills, Devin devotes a significant chunk of his time to his favorite hobby: the composition of a science fiction novel that he has been working on for approximately 5 years. Despite juggling multiple talents, Devin is still a very sweet and down-to-earth guy. What with enchanting baby-blue eyes, a friendly smile and a laid-back manner, it’s hard not to be charmed by him.

Every bit of a classic romantic, Devin is straightforward when it comes to romance and is every bit the gentleman. To let a girl know he likes her, he is direct and upfront with his feelings and flat-out tells her. No need for guessing when it comes to Devin.

His no-frills approach is refreshing and his relationship advice is just as clear-cut. “Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not,” he says. Based off of the less than perfect ending of his parents’ relationship, Devin has seen, firsthand, the consequences of entering a relationship under false pretenses.

“Don’t try to take fake anything,” he said with a disappointed small shake of his head, “it’s a turnoff when you realize they’re not who they say they are.”

It’s no surprise that the qualities of Devin’s dream girl are that she’s outgoing, “wacky”, and unafraid to be herself. Ideally, she would also be a sporty girl that likes either watching or playing sports and would join in on Fringe marathons (his favorite TV show) or cuddle up together to watch his favorite movie, Green Mile.

Eyes are the first thing on a girl that turn Devin into mush. He admits that when he’s around a girl he likes, the most intimidating thing is to “not make a fool out of yourself”, and that he is just as susceptible to nervousness (becoming tense and having shortness of breath) as any other guy. Devin also gives a request to our female readers—to approach a guy first and just let a guy know that she likes him, “guys are oblivious” he admits.

In the case of this sweetheart, it would definitely be worth the risk of making the first move. Devin’s ideal date would involve sightseeing in the scenic outdoors, like hiking up a mountain, and staying out to watch the starry night sky.  

If you wouldn’t mind having the door held for you or being given flowers, you should contact this old-fashioned romantic at his Facebook page. No need to pinch yourself, Devin may be your dream guy, but he’s definitely not a figment of imagination.



Justine is a recent graduate of the University of South Florida. She received her B.A. in mass communcations in spring 2014. She was the 2013-2014 Campus Correspondent for Her Campus USF.She was also a News & Feature Writing Intern for College of Arts and Sciences and the Public Relations Campus Rep for Rent the Runway at USF. She is currently seeking agency experience and would love to someday work for a magazine, become a novelist, poet, editor, host of a Travel Channel show and much more.  She enjoys writing about fashion, beauty, art, literature, pop culture and student life. She spends most days listening to Lana del Rey, calming her nerves with various types of cheese, being sassy and trying to figure out when she can take a nap.Check out her website and portfolio here.She'd love you forever, if you followed her on Twitter @tinafigs_.Contact Justine regarding business inquires only at justinefigueroa@hercampus.com.