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The day tornadoes hit Tampa Bay; last Thursday’s severe weather

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

A table in front of the Subway at Cooper hall was in about 6 inches of water. Not sure why anyone would want to eat with a torrential downpour or tornado sirens going off, but if you brought you’re into waterfront dining, this was your day!

Cooper hall is now waterfront property! Puddles up to 6 inches deep keep more timid students stranded in the building. With the Tornado Warning sirens blaring in the background, not a lot of people were seen after classes.

Sprinkler systems on the side of Cooper hall were backing up, firing gushes of water up to 4 feet in the air. Most of the lawn here was under nearly 8 inches of water. Now where’d I put my canoe?

Ominous clouds over USF. Looking for the funnel cloud everyone was talking about.

Someone divided by zero… I mean, the water level got too high, and automatic drains in the lake kicked in.