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Danielle Kushner: Meet A Her Campus Member

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.


You haven’t met a true Jewish social media obsessed college student until you’ve met Danielle Kushner. Entering her third year of college, she has earned the title of retired veteran (just shy of six years), at the Justice retail company, has successfully garnered an internship in the marketing department with OAI and even has leadership responsibilities in the Panhellenic community at USF. Of course, this goes hand in hand with her interest in graduating with a major in mass communications, concentrating in public relations and a minor in leadership.     

The Coral Springs native says she always loves taking the road trip back home to the soundtrack of any New Found Glory albums. Cliche or genius? Sharing her hometown with the famous pop punk band of the early 00’s has always made Danielle nostalgic anytime she screams her lungs out to “My Friends Over You.”

If you ever happen to run into this Libra on campus, you’ll most likely find her sipping an iced skinny vanilla latte with a turban in her hair. This is of course unless you catch her in Fall, then that vanilla transforms into pumpkin spice like any true October baby. The Olsen inspired fashionista admits although she worships style, she is not afraid to get down and dirty in the gym. In fact, Danielle swears by Self magazine. Follow her on Instagram and you’ll quickly learn a guilty pleasure of hers is uploading any and all of Self’s quirky yet healthy recipes.          

When Danielle isn’t updating one of her websites or dealing with school responsibilities, you might just find her grabbing “froyo” with a friend, or even supporting a local fundraiser at local The Yogurt Spot off of Fowler Avenue. As she says, “Any excuse to down a froyo creation is fine by me”. Unashamed, she did say she bought one of their “Spoon Me” shirts and all of the workers might possibly recognize her as a regular there. Need a friend’s and family discount? Danielle might be your ideal cheap date outside of Sonic.

Danielle cites pop culture icon, Britney Spears, as one of her biggest inspirations. Not only does Spears serve as the prime fit body for her, but she also proves you can get back up once you’ve fallen down, even in front of millions of people. 

Considering Danielle seems to be in a place where any 20-year-old would be content, she goes on to say it’s only uphill from here. “You know, if I could give myself advice five years ago, I would say to not be lazy and to hit the gym. Five years from now, I think I’ll look back and be proud of myself”.

Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.