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Campus Celebrity: Emily Brown

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

There’s no doubt about it, Emily Brown is a wonder woman. Not only is she extremely active in organizations on campus and president of her Greek organization, but she is also a humble, intelligent and an inspring young lady. Emily is a role model to college women all over campus. She has set many goals for herself, and is determined to achieve them while inspiring women to do the same. I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions about her experience at USF and the goals and aspirations she has for her self in the upcoming years.

HC: How did you get involved with USF?

Emily: “I got involved with USF by noticing the way my peers were involved. I saw the great organizations that others were a part of and I took the step to become a part of them as well.  Each organization or opportunity taken has then opened new doors. “ 


HC: What positions do you hold on campus?

Emily“I am a Wellness Ambassador for USF Wellness, the President of Kappa Delta Sorority (and previous Vice President of Community Service), and a Programming Director for the Campus Traditions Board in the Center for Student Involvement.” 


HC: Can you tell me about these organizations/jobs on campus?

Emily: “As a wellness ambassador I promote USF wellness events and volunteer at them as well in order to raise awareness of wellness related initiatives on campus.  Since joining Kappa Delta I have grown to become the leader of the chapter through the support and encouragement of my sisters.  As President I represent our organization and try to emulate our values in everything I do.  In the Center for Student Involvement I have the privilege of planning USF traditions, like Homecoming and USF Week.  This semester I was assigned Homecoming Kickoff Director.  The opportunity to be a part of all the events for USF students that CSI puts on has been extremely rewarding and made me proud to be a USF student.”     


HC: What legacy do you want to leave behind at USF?

Emily: I think a good legacy to leave anywhere you go is that you pushed yourself out of your comfort zone, tried new things, worked hard, and had fun while doing it.  So that’s what I want to leave behind.  I want to be the student that put in effort and made a difference, whether or not it was personal or university wide.”


HC: “What is one piece of advice you would like to give to women?

Emily:  As women we work twice as hard.  We have to prove ourselves worthy and “surprise” people by our capabilities.   My advice is to build each other up and to never accept the idea that you should look, act, dress, or be a certain way just because you are a woman.  Too often we let the stereotypes that are ingrained in our society rule our decisions or actions, instead we should become what we want to become, not what others think we should.


HC: What is something interesting about you?

Emily: Something interesting about me is that I love the world of fashion, raveling, and art.  Eventually I would love to have a career that incorporates all three.


HC: Who are your biggest women influences? Why?-  

Emily:  It sounds cliche but my biggest woman influence is my mother.  She grew up in a time when women were told no and her family did not have the means to send her to school.  She worked and paid her own way through to a masters and has never accepted anyone telling her she couldn’t do something.  I would love to have the bravery and passion that she has in everything she does.


HC: What are your career goals?


Emily: My career goals are not fully developed yet.  I am still working to figure out my path and what I will be passionate about.  Overall, I want to have a career that I will be successful and happy in and that I can make a positive difference in.


HC: What do you love most about USF?


Emily: I love the diversity and acceptance at USF.  I feel like we have a culture where everyone can be themselves and where there is a place or an opportunity for everyone.  I think we learn the most from the people who are different than us. USF gives us the opportunity to meet those people

My name is Abby Jackson and I attend the University of South Florida. I am Senior majoring in Mass Communications with a concentration in Public Relations. I’m currently an active member of the Kappa Delta sorority and I intern for Wellness USF as the Communications and Social Media Assistant. I love the ocean, coffee, my puppy and all the little things life has to offer. Right now I’m working hard, living positively and making the best out of my last year as a college student in hopes to seek out some amazing opportunities. 
Sydjea Watson is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Sydjea has a passion and great appreciation for the arts. She currently works as a freelance photographer while pursuing a photography certification at Rhode Island School of Design.