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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

As Breast Cancer Awareness month closes, let’s not stop being aware! 

This type of cancer hits particularly close to home for me as my mom was diagnosed with it while I was in elementary school— and within the last year, my aunt. Luckily, for both of them, it was caught early enough to not pose too much of a danger, as they have always been very aware of the impacts of breast cancer and had checked themselves frequently. Almost every woman in my grandmother’s family also had been diagnosed with it at some point— so, unfortunately, this diagnosis is almost expected in my family. As this illness is so relevant for my family, I have learned how to check myself since there is a possibility that it may one day come my way, but not everybody may know how, so here are some steps: 

See how they look in the mirror: 

Check for any abnormal shape, color, swelling, dimpling, or change in nipple position. You’ll want to do this straight on with your arms at your hips, and then with your arms raised. 

Feel for any lumps: 

You can do this using two or three fingers (flat and together) and rub with light pressure in a small circular motion to feel for any abnormalities. If you lay down on your back it may be easier to feel, but you can also do it sitting/ standing… I personally like to do it in the shower. 

*It is important to try to do these exams monthly so if there is anything to be concerned about you can catch it early! 

*If you feel anything while self-examining remember there is some normal texture in your breast tissue which can vary throughout your menstrual cycle — but if there is a lump or unusual texture it is always better to be safe than sorry, so talk to your doctor.

A student at the University of South Florida, majoring in International Studies. She loves long walks on the beach and anything cozy. Student by weekday, barista by weekend– she can sniff out the best specialty coffee shop wherever she is! She loves to write about social activism, lifestyle, and mental health.