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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Dear Freshman Me,

Your first year at USF was a fever dream. You experienced more highs than lows and were submersed in a completely different environment compared to back home in the Caribbean. You learned so much about yourself and the world around you. However, you were so scared about how this year would go, so let me tell you about it.


You’ll be happy to know that the random girl assigned to your room who you’ve been DMing on Instagram all summer became one of your best friends. You guys went on beach runs together, bonded over your love for pasta and One Direction and debriefed all the silly teenage drama that happened this year. You guys aren’t roommates now, but you text all the time and have sleepovers still. You’ll cherish this bond forever! And you have another roommate now who has also become one of your best friends. You guys talk about everything, eat Taco Bell together and constantly support each other’s goals. You lucked out!


Remember how scared you were about finding a new group of friends in another country since you were so scared no one would like you or you’d be too shy to approach anyone? Well, you’ve found your biggest support group yet. You’re still best friends with your two high school besties who you came to USF with and you guys found amazing people whom you do everything with. They became your family as you guys support each other through everything and whether it’s complaining about silly boy drama or taking care of each other when everyone’s sick, they help you get through everything. 


I know you were also worried about taking care of yourself on your own and not having mom help us but you did great! Yes, you had to call her the first time you did laundry for advice on separating colors, and you always wish she was here to take care of you when you’re sick, but you’ve gotten so much more independent than you could imagine. You go on grocery runs alone, make your own doctor appointments , deep clean your apartment every week and go on solo trips to other countries! It’s scary sometimes, I will warn you, but you get through it and in turn, become more confident in yourself and stand up for yourself more which I’m so proud of you for!


Now, I don’t want you to think it’s all rainbows and sunshine. You will lose some friends who you thought would be there forever, you will join a lot of campus organizations that will overwhelm you, you’ll cry some days, fail exams and you’ll do things you’ll regret that I wish I could stop you from, but it’s all gonna teach you valuable lessons. But aside from these not-so-great experiences, you’ll have the time of your life. Do you know you’re gonna see Taylor Swift in concert? Meet amazing people? Have executive positions in clubs? You’re going to discover things you’re passionate about and make the best memories ever. You’re going to experience so many firsts and make some decisions that cause you to re-evaluate your values but it’s going to make you learn more about yourself. I am so proud of you and remember, it’s okay to make mistakes. You’re still learning about the world and you deserve to be kinder to yourself sometimes! I love you and remember to have fun.


Future You

Hi! My name is Hayley and I'm currently studying computer science. I love Taylor Swift, iced matcha and writing articles:)