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Ash in the Bathtub
Ash in the Bathtub
Original photo by Abby Leeds

A Diary of Cat Activities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

There are lots of serious topics I could discuss right now, but overwhelming present lives call for the occasional silly moment to clear your head. Therefore, here is an anthology of random things my best friend Maddy’s cat does. As I live in the dorms and cannot have an animal (extremely rude), her cat helps me adjust to missing my animals back at home. His name is Ash and every time I see him, he makes my day a lot better so I figure he will do the same for you. 

Ash Takes a Bath
Ash in the Bathtub
Original photo by Abby Leeds

Ash loves to inhabit the bathtub. He also has no concept of personal space and will scream at the door if you do not let him into the bathroom. 

Ash goes to Orlando
Ash in the Car
Original photo by Abby Leeds

Ash loves looking out the window when on long car rides. His favorite hobby is screaming at Starbucks workers. Sidenote, after the second photo was taken, we moved Ash from my lap to a secure seat. Please keep your animals safe while driving!

Painting of Ash
Painting of Ash
Original photo by Maddy Eger

Maddy painted Ash because it is now the Christmas Season. 

Ash in a Cabinet
Ash in the Cabinet
Original photo by Abby Leeds

0.5 photos of Ash are cute. He looks so silly. 

Ash Cuddles
Ash is Grabby
Original photo by Novalee Knepper

Whoever says cats aren’t loving is so incredibly wrong.

Ash Gets Fancy
Ash in a Feather Boa
Original photo by Maddy Eger

Ash loves feather boas. Yes, he will immediately try to take it off but at least he strikes a pose for the camera. 

On a final note, to the beautiful human reading this: enjoy the end of the year. Make sure you have an outlet, whether it’s spending time with a pet, journaling, or listening to music to keep you grounded.

Hey! My name is Novalee Knepper and I'm from Orlando, Florida. I'm an environmental science major here at USF. I love reading, journaling, thrifting, and bringing home more plants. I hope to one day write for National Geographic as a journalist.