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6 Best iPhone Apps for Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

We are in the smartphone era! Our cell phones don’t just make phone calls anymore. You can do almost anything on your cell phone; make phone calls, text message, access the internet, get driving directions, have a conversation with Siri, play music, read books, watch movies. The list goes on and on.
Luckily for us collegiettes, the smartphone era is making it easier than ever to study and manage our precious time.
Just in time for finals, here are the six best apps to help you through finals week:

1.    gFlash+ Flashcards & Tests
by: gWhiz LLC
price: free

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

Study everywhere you go! Create sets of flash cards and send them to your friends with this nifty app. gFlash+ lets you make an unlimited amount of flashcards that you can carry along in your pocket, purse or hand.

I use gFlash+ to study in the random moments of free time throughout my day, like waiting in line at Starbucks or the free minutes before class starts. I love that you can easily take my studying everywhere I go.

2.    WiFi Finder
By: JiWire Inc
Price: free

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

Tired of always studying in the library? Find a change of scenery with WiFi Finder. This app shows you where all the free and/or paid wifi connections are near your location.

The smartest part about this app is that it allows you to download the offline database. That way, when you find yourself off the grid, you can still find the nearest wifi location.

I use this app to find new places to study, like tea houses and restaurants.

3.    Graphing Calculator
By: Appcylon LLC
Price: $1.99

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

You can spend over $100 dollars on a name brand graphing calculator, or you can spend $1.99 on Appcylon’s useful graphing calculator. It has all of the features of a fancy calculator for pennies on the dollar.

This is the go-to app for engineering and math collegiettes.

4.    NatureSpace
By: Holographic Audio Theater
Price: free (allows in-app purchases for upgrades)

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

NatureSpace is my new favorite app! When I’m studying, I get easily distracted by sounds around me. NatureSpace has the highest quality nature soundtracks that are made using holographic, 3-d technology. There are tons of white noise and nature sound apps out there, but they can’t even touch  the incredible quality of NatureSpace sound tracks. This app was designed for headphone listening. It immerses you into a different environment with birds flitting around your head or under a rainforest canopy in a thunderstorm.

I highly recommend that every person try NatureSpace to experience the highest quality sound available.

Great for drowning out distracting noise when studying or for relaxation and meditation between studying sessions.

5.    Dictionary.com Dictionary and Thesaurus
By: Dictionary, LLC
Price: free

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

Writing papers can get monotonous and turn your brain to goo after a while. Dictionary.com’s handy thesaurus is super helpful at finding the perfect word to express your ideas.

After churning out a paper or two, my brain gets slugglish and I have a hard time finding the right words. Then Dictionary.com’s thesaurus comes to the rescue. I type in a weak word like “good” and out comes a better word like “exceptional.”

Use the dictionary to look up confusing words and the thesaurus to impress your professors with your exceptional vocabulary. See what I did there? ;)

6.    SmartTime!
By: Left Coast Logic
Price: $4.99

(image from: https://itunes.apple.com/us/ap…)

Having trouble finding the time to do all your studying, projects and papers this finals week? Time management and organization can be tough, but SmartTime will save your sanity!

SmartTime is the most integrated planner app out there. It syncs with your calendar events and tasks to scan what times you have class, are working or are otherwise occupied and then SmartTime will find the time for you to complete your tasks.


Hey there! My name is Samantha Stern and I'm a graduating senior of mass communication with a concentration on magazine journalism at the University of South Florida. I've been writing for Her Campus USF since January 2013 and this semester I was appointed editor-in-chief of the online publication. Life is a stressful thing and I want to provide a means of escape and self- improvement for young women, as well as for myself, by writing fun, engaging and useful content accessible anytime and anywhere via the internet.My ultimate goal is to empower women in their 20's. Women are hungry for everyday life advice. They crave tips for achieving the ideal in money, intelligence, beauty, fashion, health and lifestyle. I will satiate their informational appetite and, more importantly, help them become their outright best by writing fun and practical content relevant to the modern 20-something.When I'm not writing you can find me reading magazines (duh!) and books, taking long, hot baths and exploring local haunts with friends and family.Feel free to follow we on Twitter @samantha__stern or check out my resume and portfolio by clicking here.  
Ashley is a Chapter Advisor and currently living in Brooklyn, New York.