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5 Things to be Thankful for this Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

If there’s one day of the year everyone thinks of what they’re thankful for, that’s in two days. Thanksgiving is the day most Americans get to sit around the table with friends or family and enjoy a full meal. Maybe for some of us college students that full meal is one we can appreciate after eating frozen dinners and dining hall food. Here are five things we should be thankful for in 2013.

1.      Technology. This is the year we were introduced to some cool things like the Microsoft Tablet, the iPad mini, and smartwatches.

2.      The 6-second videos. With apps like Snapchat and Vine, we’re able to communicate and get creative with these pictures and videos that last very shortly. You can watch some of the best Vines of 2013 and send Snapchats to your best friends.


3.      This year we’ve had a lot of great movies come out in theater. From Iron Man 3 to Star Trek 2, Monsters University and Thor 2, This is the End, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, and still yet to come: The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug.


4.      Even though some of us can’t wait for the weather to get colder so we can break out those cute boots, scarves, and head to Starbucks for those special winter drinks, we’ve been lucky to have warm weather throughout the year! Yes, it means extra months to wear those cute shorts you got over the summer and still being able to go to the beach.


5.      Last but not least, and maybe the most important thing to be thankful for this year: to good health! Friends and family! And low gas prices!


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Brittany is a senior at the University of South Florida, majoring in mass communications with a focus on magazine journalism. She is also pursuing a minor in creative writing. She's written for an online magazine, Reasons to be Beautiful. She enjoys reading, watching movies and hooked on tv shows. Her dream job would be to write for Entertainment Weekly or writing movie reviews while living in the U.K.
Justine is a recent graduate of the University of South Florida. She received her B.A. in mass communcations in spring 2014. She was the 2013-2014 Campus Correspondent for Her Campus USF.She was also a News & Feature Writing Intern for College of Arts and Sciences and the Public Relations Campus Rep for Rent the Runway at USF. She is currently seeking agency experience and would love to someday work for a magazine, become a novelist, poet, editor, host of a Travel Channel show and much more.  She enjoys writing about fashion, beauty, art, literature, pop culture and student life. She spends most days listening to Lana del Rey, calming her nerves with various types of cheese, being sassy and trying to figure out when she can take a nap.Check out her website and portfolio here.She'd love you forever, if you followed her on Twitter @tinafigs_.Contact Justine regarding business inquires only at justinefigueroa@hercampus.com.