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5 Reasons to Date a Feminist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Feminism is so prevalent in the world today that it is difficult to avoid hearing about it. It is slowly but surely losing the once negative, derogatory meaning, which is a wonderful thing for womenkind. Both men and women are identifying as feminists, including celebrities such as Aziz Ansari, Beyonce, Taylor Swift, and Daniel Radcliffe. How lucky are the ladies who date feminists? Dating a feminist is fantastic and here are five reasons why:


1. They respect your body and choices

Forget to shave- or just choose not to? Want to start a new type of birth control? Eager to start a new group fitness class? If your partner’s a feminist, they’ll respect these choices and more. They won’t pressure you dress, speak, or behave a certain way. Wear makeup? Your partner will think you look just as good with a red lip and smoky eye as you do when you wipe it all off.


2. They share responsibilities

A feminist won’t assume you have to do laundry because you’re a woman, or you have to mow the lawn because you’re a man. Especially if you’re in the stage where you live together or cohabitate regularly, this is a big one. A good partnership is built on equality, and couples should share responsibilities for everything from household chores, to who pays for dinners out.


3. They don’t invalidate your feelings



If you’re dating a feminist, they won’t ever assume that you’re upset or in a bad mood because you’re on your period, or because women are too emotional, or because men are angry all the time. Worse, they won’t say things like, “Women are so crazy!” if you’re genuinely upset.


4. They’re happy to learn and teach

When you date someone who isn’t a feminist, and they say something offensive or degrading, sometimes you’ll get a sympathetic, “Oh, sorry,” when you let them know, or worse, they’ll tell you to get over it. But with a feminist? They want to know what they did wrong, and how they can learn and grow. Similarly, they’ll give you the same treatment if you say something problematic, and make it an opportunity to teach.


5. They want to see you fulfill your potential


A good feminist and a good partner wants to see you succeed, and they’ll never tell you that you can’t, or shouldn’t strive to meet your goals, or to dream big. They’ll hold you to high standards because they believe in your ability to succeed.

Cera is a junior at the University of South Florida currently majoring in Women and Gender Studies. She has an on-campus job as a receptionist and is the Editor-in-Chief of the USF Her Campus Chapter. Her goals and aspirations after graduation include graduate school, teaching English abroad, teaching at the university level, writing novels, and adopting every dog. 
Sydjea Watson is from the beautiful island of Jamaica. She graduated from the University of South Florida with a bachelor's degree in mass communications. Sydjea has a passion and great appreciation for the arts. She currently works as a freelance photographer while pursuing a photography certification at Rhode Island School of Design.