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Your Last Relationship: Fate or Fumble?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

Was it love or was it lust? This is the what seems like forever lingering question in your head after a fatal breakup. So many people come out of relationships wondering whether or not any of it was true, where it went wrong, or if they still have the chance to fix it. How can you be exactly sure of when to leave the broken pieces on the floor and move on or if there is glue strong enough to put those pieces back together? The truth is, you will never be exactly sure, but there are signs to answer those lingering questions in your mind about any past relationships or dating experiences.

Questions like: What made your relationship crumble? Was it you? Was it the person you were dating? Did that person bring out the worst in you? How did your boyfriend make you feel the majority of the relationship? Sometimes it takes asking yourself questions like those to fully come to understanding of why you feel confused and upset about your past relationships. It may be hard to analyze an entire relationship once it ended and all of the emotions will flood back into your heart like hurricane Katrina, to tell the truth. But, remember to do one thing, be real. Be real with yourself and once you come to terms with the reality of a relationship situation, it’ll be easier to move on.

Every relationship comes with the good times and the bad times, but naturally sometimes people’s true colors shine brightest through the bad times. Those are the times that you should think back to in order to answer some of those questions about your relationship. Answer them with honesty and come to a realization that maybe some things in life can’t always work out like Allie and Noah from The Notebook. Determine what went wrong and find yourself a peace of mind.

If someone doesn’t make you grow as an individual everyday, why waste the time? There are a thousand and more things, places, people, and situations that you have to experience so don’t wait around for someone that doesn’t make you happy. People grow and change and there is a time and a place for everything in life. Be real with who genuinely makes you happy, let go of who doesn’t, and don’t look back! One day the question of love or lust will be answered. But in the meantime, live life to the fullest because you are single and you will be ready to mingle soon.

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