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Why We Love Going Home For The Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at URI chapter.

The countdown to our first holiday break is getting into the single digits, which means it’s time to reminisce on why we love going home for the different holidays. Since URI decided it would be best we don’t get off for Columbus Day, this may be some people’s first time heading home since we came back to Rhody in September. Going home for the any holiday is a guaranteed time to see all of your friends, because going home for a random weekend in the school year does not mean your friends will be home from school as well. Holiday season is coming up, so here’s a small reminder on why we love holiday breaks as much as we do.  

So. Many. Sales.

The minute Thanksgiving ends, the sales begin. We want to think that we will be buying gifts for others, but let’s be real…most of the things you buy during holiday sales will be going straight to your closet. 

All the food to be eaten.

You can never fully accept how great a holiday meal is until you go away to college. Spending the holiday breaks away from the dining hall and getting major holiday meals is extremely exciting for us college students. 

All the Netflix to be Watched

Whether you want to catch up on your favorite Netflix show or watch holiday movies, there’s a high chance your eyes will be glued to the TV for the majority of the holiday breaks. The best part is, your family doesn’t even get mad at the fact that your eyes haven’t left the TV because they’re fully aware at the lack of time you’ve had to catch up on all your favorite shows. 

Seeing distant family.

We all have those family members that we love to hang out with, but only get to see on special occasions. They may live far away, or you might just have conflicting schedules, but over the holidays there’s no excuse not to see these somewhat distant family members.

Not having to do laundry.

Now’s a good time to start stocking up on dirty laundry, because if you suck up to your parents enough there’s a high chance your laundry will get done for you. Not to mention, it’s free. 

Having no homework or school related responsibilities.

If you so choose, and/or your major allows you to do so, the holiday breaks are a great time to have absolutely zero school responsibilities. 

Getting to bring stuff back home we don’t need.

There’s no doubt that the majority of the things that you brought to school in September hasn’t left your drawers. Make sure your car has tons of room, because going home for the holidays is the perfect time to bring some clothes home and empty out your cluttered room.

Ditching your shower shoes.

Reuniting with your shower is nothing short of exciting. You don’t realize how annoying shower shoes are until you reminisce with your bare feet in your first shower back home. 

Reuniting with your pet(s).

The reunion with your family and friends is nice and all, but your reunion with your pet is hands down the greatest. The minute you first lay eyes on your dog, cat, etc. over the break is one of the happiest moments of your young life. 

Brace yourselves, collegiates! Break is upon us!